






Animal tears

When I was in junior high school, I especially liked to read Shen Shixi’s novels. I often watched tears, crying in the bed. At that time, the light in the bedroom was turned off at 10:30 in the evening, and there was no socket in the bedroom. An electric table lamp takes a week. Even if the light is not bright, I still like to hide in the bed and watch the animals written by writer Shen Shixi. That is another world.

I have seen the tears of the author in the writer's pen, but I have never seen an animal cry in real life. I saw it with my own eyes when I was about to graduate from the third year of junior high school.

It was a gray morning. I vaguely heard my grandma say that Shunli (my dog’s name) was dying outside. I hurried up and walked to Shunli. It was very, very painful. It couldn’t open its mouth. But it kept moaning in its throat. I squatted down slowly and touched its head with my hand. As usual, it would be very happy to rub my hand with it, but it won’t be anymore. It only has eyeballs moving, and its eyes are like crescent moons. White eyes. I can’t remember whether I cried first or it cried first. It was crying silently. Tears flowed down its cheeks, but its tears did not flow quickly, because it was lying on its side, half of its face was close to the ground, and the tears stayed in the eye sockets. . I recall now that I still remember the way it bounced every time I went home, and no matter whether my paws were dirty or not, I hugged me. When I played with it, its wagging tail and swaying head were deeply imprinted on me. In his mind.

Later, I saw a lot of similar articles and movies, such as Hao Qi in the movie "Love", the classic picture, "Hao Qi, who loves me the most"? Hao Qi raised its paw. I have also seen a lot of news about harming animals. The masks in the ocean have become the killers of beluga whales... How many animals laugh because they accompany their owners, and how many animals are crying silently?






