both and 高考题(看似简单的and学问还真不少)

and 是一个连词,在英语中常用,也常考。本文主要从and用于固定搭配、构词法、and连接并列主语时的主谓一致等方面作一探讨。

一、 and 连接单词或短语

1. and 用来连接并列的名词、动词、形容词、副词、数词和代词等,译法灵活,常不译出。

He picked up the kitten and put it in the box. 他抱起小猫放在盒子里。(顺接)

We’ve dealt with items one, two, and seven. 我们已经处理了第一项、第二项和第七项。(平行)


(1)and 连接名词

cause and effect 因果 law and order 法治;治安 supply and demand 供求关系

track and field 田径运动 trial and error 反复试验 do’s and don’ts 注意事项

ifs and buts 不定因素 ins and outs 全部细节;详情 facts and figures 准确的信息

flesh and blood 血肉之躯 fun and games 嬉闹 heart/body and soul 全身心地

man and boy 从小到大;一辈子 rhythm and blues 节奏蓝调 odds and ends 琐碎的东西

the pros and cons 支持与反对 pins and needles 发麻;麻木 move heaven and earth 竭尽所能

bits and pieces 各种零碎的小东西 neck and neck with (sb./sth.) (比赛中)势均力敌

red in tooth and claw 残酷无情 high days and holidays 节庆假日

chief cook and bottle washer 当家的 It’s raining cats and dogs. 下着倾盆大雨

the nuts and bolts of 基本要点 fight tooth and nail 全力以赴的斗争

by/in leaps and bounds 突飞猛进 as different as chalk and cheese 截然不同的

bribery and corruption 贪污腐化 cock and bull story 荒诞无稽的故事;编造的借口

meat and drink to sb. 让某人非常开心的事 a song and dance about 不停的抱怨

put … under lock and key 把…… 安全地锁起来;在押

carrot and stick approach 胡萝卜加大棒的方法(威逼利诱)

a children and egg situation 难以决定其中孰先孰后的形势

head and shoulders above the rest/ others 出类拔萃;鹤立鸡群

play cat and mouse with 与某人玩猫捉老鼠的游戏;愚弄某人

cash and carry (企业、组织等大宗顾客可享受代价的)付现自运商店

too many chiefs and not enough Indians 官多兵少;动嘴的多,动手的少

(2)and 连接动词

pick and choose 挑挑拣拣 cut and run 急忙逃跑

divide and rule 分而治之 fetch and carry (为某人)打杂,跑腿

forgive and forget 不记仇 give and take 双方迁就;思想交流

grin and bear it 默默忍受 live and breathe sth. 热衷于(某事)

wait and see 等着瞧 all signed and sealed 手续完备

share and share alike 事事都应均分 when all is said and done 说到底;毕竟

wine and dine 用酒宴款待;(去餐馆等)大吃大喝

stand up and be counted 公开表示支持(或)赞同

wake up and smell the coffee (用于叫某人)面对现实

love you and leave you (表示想留而必须离开)不得不走

Children should be seen and not heard. 小孩子应该少说话(叫小孩子安静时的用语)

both and 高考题(看似简单的and学问还真不少)(1)

(3)and 连接形容词

black and blue (皮肤被打得)青一块紫一块的 black and white 黑白的

bright and early 大清早 cheap and cheerful 物美价廉的

clean and tidy/neat 整洁的 loud and clear 容易理解的

blow hot and cold 出尔反尔 cut and dried 已成定局;不容更改

fair and square 光明正大;直截了当 far and wide 到处;广泛的

through thick and thin 赴汤蹈火;同甘共苦 few and far between 稀少;稀疏

free and easy 无拘束的;虽不的 great and small 大小;高低;贵贱

high and dry 搁浅;身无分文 go hot and cold 突然感到害怕

by and large 大体上;总体上 good and proper 完全;彻底

short and sweet 简短扼要 safe and sound 安然无恙地

play fast and loose with (sb./sth.) 反复无常;若即若离

(4)and 连接副词

here and there 四处;到处 so near and yet so far 功败垂成

every now and again 有时;偶尔 once and for all 最终地;彻底地

out and about 遍游某地;病愈后能外出走动 over and over again 多次;反复地

to and fro 往返地;来回地 up and down 上上下下;来来回回

well and truly 完全地;彻底地

(5)and 连接数词

first and last 从各方面看;完全地 go half and half (与某人)均摊费用

at sixes and sevens 七上八下;杂乱无章 in twos and threes 三三两两;稀稀拉拉

It’s six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两;不分上下

put two and two together and make five 捕风捉影;听风就是雨

(6)and 连接代词

between you, me and gatepost 你我私下说;别对外人讲

any/every Tom, Dick and Harry (不熟悉或无特长的)任何人

(7)and 偶尔也可以连接感叹词或连词,如:yes and no 说不准;也是也不是;as and when (用于在特定条件下才会发生的事情)将来…… 时。


2.若and 在一般短语中连接两个联系紧密的人或事物,第二个单词前的限定词通常省略。如:a knife and fork (一副刀叉);a needle and thread (针和线);a husband and wife (夫妻);my father and mother (我的父母);a bow and arrow(弓箭)


He tried and tried but without success. 他反复尝试,但未成功。(表反复)

We walked for miles and miles. 我们走了很长很长的路。(表连续)

I like city life but there are cities and cities.


4.在口语中,and 可代替to 用于少数几个动词如go , come, try, 和stay 后,表示目的。

Shall we go and have a cup of tea? 我们去喝杯茶好吗?

I’ll see if I can try and persuade her to come. 我看看能不能试着说服她来。

We stayed and had a drink. 我们留下来喝了点酒。

此时,go and 可用于各种时态,而try and 不能用于过去时。

5.带and 的习语, 其顺序是固定不变的。只有极少数几个习语可以改变顺序,如:off and on = on and off (不时地;断断续续地);day and night = night and day (夜以继日;连续不断);doom and gloom = gloom and doom (悲观失望;前景暗淡);left, right and center =right, left and center (四面八方;到处)

6.and 构成复合词

(1)复合形容词:a life-and-death decision (生死攸关的决定);a husband-and-wife team (夫妻队);a hit-and-run driver (肇事后逃走的司机);a hit-and-miss procedure (粗制滥造的程序);touch-and-go situation (一触即发的局势);apply for such-and-such a job (申请某职务);

open-and-shut case (容易解决的案件);a meat-and-potatoes argument (基本论据);foot-and-mouth disease (口蹄疫);up-and-coming young actors(前程似锦的年轻演员)


hide-and- seek (捉迷藏游戏);get-up-and-go (干劲;进取心);five-and-dime (廉价品店);


二、 and 连接并列句


(1)祈使句 and 陈述句。(and 有时可省略)

Give sb. an inch and they will take a yard/mile. 得寸进尺。

You scratch my back , I’ll scratch yours. 你帮我,我也帮你;礼尚往来。

(2)名词词组 and 陈述句。

One more word and I’ll knock you flat. 你再说一句,我就把你打倒在地。


He heard a cry for help, and (therefore) he rushed out of the house.



Kate likes swimming and Tom is fond of music. 凯特喜欢游泳,而汤姆喜欢音乐。


He is somewhat swell-headed, and I don’t like this. 他有点自命不凡,这我不喜欢。


And now I’d like to introduce our next speaker, Mr. Green.


both and 高考题(看似简单的and学问还真不少)(2)

三、 由and 连接的并列主语的主谓一致问题

1.由and 连接的两个单词作主语时,要看其表示的意义来决定谓语动词用单数还是用复数形式。若表示的是一个整体的概念或指同一事物,谓语动词用单数形式。如:

Danish bacon and egg makes a good meal. 丹麦咸肉炖蛋成了一顿美餐。


The poet and teacher is one of my friends. 那位诗人兼教师是我的一位朋友。

其它常见表达:bread and butter(涂黄油的面包);milk and water(掺水的牛奶);fruit and cream(加奶油的水果);meat and potatoes(肉炒土豆);law and order(治安);fish and chips(炸鱼加炸薯条)。

但是,bread and butter 并不总是指涂黄油的面包,ham and eggs 也并不总是指火腿炒鸡蛋,有时也可能分别指两件不同的东西,应试上下文而定:

Danish bacon and eggs sell well in London. 丹麦熏肉和鸡蛋在伦敦的销路很好。(赵振才编著 《英语常见问题解答大词典》(增订版) 世界图书出版西安公司 2007年 P99)


The singer and the dancer are to attend our English evening at our request. 那位歌唱家和那位舞蹈家将应邀出席我们的英语晚会。

2.有一些带and 的省略结构形似单数,而意义为复数,谓语动词用复数。

What I say and think are no business of yours. 我的所言所思与你无关。( what I say and think =what I say and what I think)

四、 用于其它习语

1.good/nice and … 很;非常 (用于表示强调)

The room is nice and warm. 这屋子非常暖和。

2.and it’s a big if 这是一大疑问(用于表示某事不大可能发生)

If he wins, and it’s a big if, he’ll be the first Chinese to win for thirty years.


3.and all that jazz 以及诸如此类的东西

I’m fed up with rules, responsibilities and all that jazz. 我对各种规则、责任之类的东西烦透了。

4.and no mistake 准确无误;毫无疑问

He was the gold medal winner and no mistake. 他的确是金牌得主。

5.and then some 更多;还不止这么多

--- They say he earns ¥500,000 a year. 人家说他一年挣50万元。

--- Yes, and then some. 是的,而且还不止这个数呢。

6.and a half 棒极了;出色的

That was a dinner and a half. 那顿晚饭棒极了。

7.and what not= and what have you 诸如此类

It’s full of old toys, books and what on. 这里全都是旧玩具、书籍以及诸如此类的东西。


1. 章振邦主编 《新编英语语法教程》上海外语教育出版社,1997年

2. 徐广联主编 《大学英语语法—讲座与测试(第二版)》华东理工大学出版社,2003年

3. 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第六版),商务印书馆;牛津大学出版社,2004年

4. 《朗文当代高级英语辞典》外语教学与研究出版社,2005年

5. 赵振才编著 《英语常见问题解答大词典》(增订版) 世界图书出版西安公司 2007年


