


Laoting shadow play, also known as Laoting shadow or puppet shadow show, is a drama performance art that integrates sound cavity, performance and art, and is known as “the treasure house of Chinese folk culture”. Laoting shadow puppetry originated in the southern Song dynasty, which has a history of more than 800 years. It became popular in the early Qing dynasty and became the heyday of development of Laoting shadow puppetry in the early Republic of China.



The Production of Shadow Puppet

皮影的制作 Making of shadow puppet

选料 Selection

制皮 Skin making

画稿 Drawing

雕刻 Carving

上彩 Coloring

脱水 Dehydration

缝缀 Stitch

装杆 Assembling



Shadow Puppet Manipulation


There are two ways to manipulate Laoting shadow play, from the upper string and from the bottom string, which is also called “get”and “stick” . There are three shafts to support the shadow puppets.The puppets’ up-and-down squats all depend on the manipulation of the artist’s hands. Sometimes, an artist needs to manipulate several puppets at the same time. Therefore, those artists skilled in manipulation are regarded as “the king of shaft”.In modern times they are called Master of Manipulation.



Appreciation of Shadow Puppet Figure


Shadow Figure Modeling

“Sheng” is the main male role


小生 Xiao Sheng

未成年的男孩 an underage boy figure

文生 Wen Sheng

“文戏”中的男性形象 a male figure in the singing plays

武生 WuSheng

“武戏”中的男性形象 a male figure in the military acrobatic plays

老生 Lao Sheng

老年男子的形象 an old aged male figure

“Dan” refers to any female role


文旦 Wen dan

“文戏”中的女性形象 a female figure in the singing plays

武旦 Wu dan

“武戏”中的女性形象 a female figure in the military acrobatic plays

老旦 Lao dan

老年妇女的形象 an old aged female figure

花旦 Hua dan

诙谐幽默的女性形象 a witty and humorous female figure

“Jing” refers to the strong willed or rough male


红净 Hong jing 红色的脸庞,表示勇敢正直和忠诚

Their faces are red, which shows bravery, uprightness and loyalty.

毛净 Mao jing 黑的脸庞,表示粗犷和勇猛

Their faces are black, which shows boorishness and valour.

The ‘Chou’ is a male clown role


文丑 Wen chou

像商人和狱卒这样的civilian roles such as merchants and jailers

武丑 Wu chou

像小士兵这样的角色 minor military roles



