


(试卷满分 150分 考试时间120分钟)





第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. Where does the woman want to go?

A. A park. B. A zoo. C. A museum.

2. What is the man doing?

A. Making an apology.

B. Making an invitation.

C. Making a complaint.

3. What is the third class?

A. English. B. Chemistry. C. Chinese.

4. What does the man want to do?

A. Buy batteries. B. Choose a camera. C. Change a toy.

5. Whom is the birthday party for?

A. Jack. B. Lily. C. Lisa.




6. What will the man do tomorrow?

A. Book a hotel.

B. Do some shopping.

C. Pick up his daughter.

7. What color does her mother like most in the girl’s opinion?

A. Bright red. B. Pink. C. Yellow.


8. What are the speakers preparing for?

A. A festival. B. A camping trip. C. A birthday party.

9. What can the man cook?

A. Fruit salad. B. Fried eggs. C. Chicken wings.

10. What fruit does the woman want to buy?

A. Apples. B. Bananas. C. Peaches.


11. When will the lecture be given?

A. At 5:30 pm today.

B. At 5:40 pm tomorrow.

C. At 5:50 pm tomorrow.

12. What does Albert ask Brandon to do?

A. Show up on time.

B. Send him a message.

C. Ring him up again.

13. Where will Brandon meet Albert?

A. In the lecture hall. B. At the professor’s home. C. In the main building.


14. What should we do first to deal with burns?

A. Press the burns for five minutes.

B. Get some medicine for the burns.

C. Put the burns under cold running water.

15. What can reduce the pain of the burns?

A. Pressing the burns.

B. Bandaging the burns.

C. Putting ice on the burns.

16. What’s the man’s last piece of advice?

A. Drinking cold water.

B. Taking some medicine.

C. Staying away from children.


17. How did Heather learn to surf?

A. From a website. B. From her father. C. From her friends.

18. Where did Heather surf?

A. In Los Angeles. B. In California. C. In San Diego.

19. At what time of the day did Heather see the shark?

A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.

20. Why did the shark stop following Heather?

A. It was hit by her surfboard.

B. A lifeboat scared it away.

C. She swam very fast.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)



第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)



Artificial intelligence (AI) is practically everywhere today. There are so many products out there which use AI. Some are being developed, some are already in use, and some failed and are being improved, so it’s very difficult to name a few of them and regard them as the best.


It is an AI personal trainer which is mainly concerned with fitness and coaching. It, however, requires the use of bio-sensing earphones and other fitness tracking equipment (设备)! It can play your favourite music while you work out and all you have to worry about is the exercise you’re doing.

Deep Text

Do you ever wonder how an ad appears suddenly just when you are looking for something similar? This is because of Deep Text. It uses real-time consumer (消费者) information to produce data which in turn is used to target consumers. Thus, if you search online for flight tickets from Bangalore to Delhi, it is very likely that an ad relating to hotels in Delhi will soon follow.

Hello Egg

If you live alone and miss your mother because you always miss your breakfast or don’t know what to eat for dinner, then Hello Egg is exactly what you are looking for. A very healthy choice of the 2-minute noodles and oats, Hello Egg provides you with a detailed weekly meal plan about the needs of your body. It is truly a modern AI-powered home cooking tool for the young.


You can put Mr. Smith into your Microsoft Excel using their free API, and let it write up detailed analysis (分析) of the stories behind your numbers. It can produce detailed reports on thousands of pages of spreadsheets in seconds.

21.What can we learn about Vi from the text?

A. It is an AI music player.

B. It is a bio-sensing earphone.

C. It doesn’t work without bio-sensing earphones.

D. It can make you more energetic while you work out.

22. Which can help you improve cooking skill?

  1. Hello Egg.
  2. Deep Text.
  3. Vi.
  4. Wordsmith.

23What can Wordsmith do for us?

  1. Produce a detailed report.
  2. Book a ticket ahead of time.
  3. Provide us with a detailed meal plan.
  4. Offer us information on hotels for traveling.




When I read a post about taking someone to the movies, I was reminded of something that happened a couple of years ago.

I used to drink Cokes and they had a competition where there was a code inside the bottle cap. You went to a website and entered the code and maybe you won something. I won some free Cokes. But then I won the Grand Prize! I was surprised and pleased.

The Grand Prize was free movies for a year. They pointed out that one movie a week was what free movies for a year meant. All of the tickets had a deadline(截止日期)later than a year from the day I received them. So I must use them in the following year. I used quite a few taking friends to movies we all wanted to see.

But the best thing I did with them was that I donated 22 tickets (all I had left by that time) to the local Women's Transition House, a place where women and their children could go when avoiding a bad situation in general and get help to make a new start.

My workplace team had decided to help people in need, so we collected donations for that particular New Year's Day. I knew that the Women's Transition House provided some childcare for the women so they could go for job interviews and things like that.

I put those tickets in a box and wrote a note on the outside, asking the Women's Transition House staff to give movie tickets to women there over the holidays to have something fun to do, with or without their children. It made me really happy to do this.

24. How did the author get the tickets?

A. By visiting a website by chance.

B. By using some Cokes to get them.

C. By attending a knowledge competition.

D. By winning the prize lor drinking Cokes.

25. How many tickets did the author and his friends use?

A. About 22. B. About 30.

C. About 52. D. About 365.

26. Which of the following best describes the author?

A. Lucky and caring. B. Creative and careful.

C. Responsible and cheerful. D. Thankful and generous.

27. What does the Women's Transition House offer?

A. Jobs to women in need.

B. Help to women in trouble.

C. Free movie tickets to women.

D. Skills of job interviews to women.


When talking about humor, people often refer to famous humorists such as Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known by the pen-name Mark Twain.

Samuel Langhorne Clemens, America’s famous writer, journalist and humorist, was born in Florida on November 30, 1835. He was the sixth of the seven children in the family. As a child, Samuel was often kept indoors because of his poor health.

When Samuel was 12, his father died of a deadly disease and at the age of 13, Samuel had to leave school to make a living. He became a printer's apprentice(学徒). A year later, he became skilled at printing by working and studying hard. Samuel was then employed as a printer with pay. After two years, he became an editorial assistant. It was then that young Samuel became aware of his fondness for writing.

When he was 17 years old, Samuel left Hannibal for a printer’s job in St.Louis. While staying in St.Louis, Samuel became a river pilot in 1858. His pen-name, Mark Twain, came from his days as a river pilot. It is a river term meaning “safe to sail”.

Because the river trade was brought to a stop by the Civil War in 1861, Samuel began working as a newspaper reporter for several newspapers all over the United States. Samuel’s career took off and he became famous when his story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Country appeared in the New York Saturday Press on November 18, 1865. Samuel's first book, The Innocents Abroad was published in 1896. The two novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (in 1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (in 1885) brought him worldwide popularity. He wrote 28 books and numerous humor stories, letters and plays.

Mark Twain passed away on April 21, 1910. To remember him, his childhood home was open to the public as a museum in Hannibal.

28.What do we know about Samuel Langhorne Clemens?

A.He was an unknown American writer.

B.He had 7 sisters and brothers altogether.

C.He was weak when he was young.

D.He lived a rich life in his childhood.

29.When did Samuel Langhorne Clemens realize his interest in writing?

A.When he studied at school.

B.When he went to St.Louis.

C.When he worked on a ship.

D.When he was sixteen years old.

30.Samuel got his pen-name from the job as a(n) _________.


B.editorial assistant

C.river pilot

D.newspaper reporter

31.Which made Mark Twain become famous?

A.The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Country

B.The Innocents Abroad

C.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

D.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


Meghan Howey, an archaeologist at the University of New Hampshire says, “ Humans have lived near the coast for thousands of years. In that time, they created and left behind many cultural relics that hold pieces of the past. These are famous places such as Rapa Nui in the southeastern Pacific Ocean and the canal city of Venice in Italy. But they also include many smaller and less known places. If rising seas destroy these places, we’re going to lose those people’s stories too.”

David Anderson, an archaeologist at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and other researchers recently used online information to look at the dangers created by rising seas. They found that a one-meter rise in sea level could destroy more than 13, 000 of the cultural relics in the southeastern United States. He says, “ Climate change is under way, so now it is the time to start thinking how we are going to protect the important places. We need to know what’s out there and what’s caused or else it may become too late to save at least some of these places.

Efforts to control the worst influences from climate change, including the sea level rise, will require cutting greenhouse-gas emissions(排放物)or taking steps to control flooding in important areas. Another method might be to move cultural treasures. But it’s unlikely that the capital to do that will be saved or collected to pay for every site. And some treasures simply can’t be moved.

If researchers used only traditional methods to map those places, most would be gone before you got to them. Satellites with cameras and other tools, however, can more quickly and easily find and map many of these places.

“ Scanning(扫描)and imaging tools can help ," says Mark D. McCoy, an archaeologist at Southern Methodist University. “ High-resolution digital photography can make detailed images. Computer technologies also can create 3-D virtual(虚拟的)reality models.”

32. What will happen to the cultural relics according to Meghan Howey?

A. They will be harmed by rising seas.

B. They will lose people's attention.

C. They will become more crowded.

D. Their old stories will not survive.

33. What does David Anderson encourage people to do?

A. Take immediate action to save the cultural relics.

B. Collect information about the cultural relics.

C. Find out the real cause of climate change.

D. Move the cultural relics to safe places.

34. What can create 3-D virtual(虚拟的)reality models?

A. Satellites B. Cameras C.Computer technologies D.Other tools

35. What can be helpful to deal with the problem?

A. Machine tools. B. Advanced technology.

C. Scientific research. D. Traditional methods.


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(E涂AB F涂AC G涂AD。)

How to Succeed in School

Become a voracious(求知欲强的)reader. Go to your school library or the public library and check out books that interest you. __36________ If you don’t know where to start, ask the librarian for suggestions based on your interests. Reading books that you enjoy (outside of school requirements) will help build your vocabulary and increase your abstract reasoning skills. __37________

Be an excellent student. Do your homework, show up for class on time, keep your schoolwork organized, and have a planner of important dates to help you turn in assignments on time and with less stress. During class, pay attention and ask questions to further your understanding of the material.

.____38______ Think ahead to what you see yourself doing in the future, whether that’s getting a degree, volunteering, or jumping right into the career of your choice. ___39_______ Just start to think about what you might want to do in the future based on your interests, passions, and skills.

Set realistic academic and personal goals. Set realistic goals for yourself to feel a sense of accomplishment regarding your school and personal life. ___40_______ As for personal goals, you might set an intention to learn how to bake bread. Studies have shown that teens who set goals tend to have higher rates of success and achievement.

A.Look ahead to life after you graduate from high school.

B.Volunteer work will help build your social skills and self-esteem.

C.Don’t worry, you don’t have to choose a career right now!

D.Don’t be afraid to go talk to your teachers during their office hours to ask questions.

E.It can be anything from poetry to graphic novels and comics—just get reading!

F.For example, you might set a goal to achieve all A’s and B’s this term.

G.You’ll also learn a lot more about the world and different cultures.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


The willingness to help strangers is common for ordinary people around the world. Perhaps because anyone at some time may be lost, hungry, in 41 , hopeless or simply caught in the rain. Kind 42 , knowing what trouble feels like, often come to the rescue, especially in China.

As I was walking one day in Beijing, dark clouds gradually 43 . You may have heard the expression “raining cats and dogs”. That day it rained whales and elephants. A stranger saw me and waved at me 44 into his entrance hall, where he 45 me a cup of tea and the chair he had been sitting in.

My bike once had a 46 tire a long way from home. Pushing the broken bike was 47 . Seeing my trouble, a young man in a three-wheeled open truck pulled up. Using hand 48, he showed he wanted to help, and then he carried the bike and me to a repair 49 2 kilometers away. I offered him money, but he just smiled, 50 his head and waved goodbye.

Near the end of the Spring Festival, I 51 my reading glasses. Amazingly, the only business open in the neighborhood 52 to be an eyeglass shop. The manager told me she would manage the glasses, and I could 53 them up the next day. When I said I needed them at the office that night, she stopped, thinking for a moment, and then 54 told me to come back in two hours. I did, and 55 the finished glasses. I tried to pay her extra for her 56 , but she refused.

Such deeds inspire me. Since I cannot 57 what I received, I have decided to pay forward when opportunities come, and I invite you to 58 me. Try this: Every time a stranger helps you, 59 the kindness by helping two other people. A wave of goodwill will roll forward exponentially( 以指数方式). I always keep in mind a motto stating a great truth: “ There’s no such thing as a small act of 60 .”

41.A. order B. place C. line D. pain

42A. strangers B. volunteers C. neighbours D. competitors

43.A. responded B. gathered C. survived D. exploded

44.A. slowly B. lightly C. regularly D. quickly

45.A. brought B. supplied C. offered D. lent

46.A. flat B. rough C. strong D. weak

47.A. difficult B. striking C. interesting D. boring

48.A. logos B. signals C. marks D. symbols

49.A. park B. hospital C. school D. shop

50.A. nodded B. shook C. lifted D. bent

51.A. repaired B. bought C. hid D. lost

52.A. came B. seemed C. happened D. appeared

53.A. take B. pick C.wake D. wash

54.A. generously B. hopelessly C. cheerfully D. carefully

55.A. stole B. collected C. corrected D. sold

56.A. trick B. treat C. trouble D. memory

57.A. pay back B. look back C. call back D. hold back

58.A. greet B. doubt C. join D. appreciate

59.A. return B. approach C. review D. receive

60.A. enjoyment B. responsibility C. importance D. kindness

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


If you go out to the fields at night in spring or summer, you can hear frogs singing 61 (happy) here and there. It seems as if they were performing a field group singing.

The frog is a good and useful creature that benefits human beings. They can catch fast-moving 62 (insect). Each frog eats a large number of pests that are harmful to crops. This little creature is regarded 63 “the natural enemy of pests”.

But now frogs 64 (get) fewer and fewer. This is because they are killed and put 65 the table as a delicious dish by their chief enemy, human beings. It is a shameless and cruel act, isn’t it?

The cause responsible for the rapid reduction of frogs is that farmers use insect killer to kill pests and frogs get 66 (kill) as a result of drinking poisoned water and 67 (eat) poison-killed insects.

Something must be done without delay 68 (save) frogs. If we don’t punish those 6 9 sell and kill frogs to make money, then one day all of us 70 (punish) by nature for failing to keep them.

  1. 写作(共两节;满分40分)


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一次;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As we all know, everyone have a dream. I have dreamed of being a doctor since I entered into primary school. Nowadays with modern life go rapidly, many people suffer from different kind of diseases, both mentally and physically. As a result, doctors are in great need at home and abroad. My dream is to become successful doctor, helping to save people’s lives. Although to be a good doctor was very difficult, I will do whatever I can to keep everyone health. To make my dream come true, I have told me over and over again that I’ll pay more attention on studies. After all, only by working hardly can one succeed.

  1. 根据句意和提示完成句子(10分)

1.Later,he _________(道歉)to me for what he has done.

2.We gathered together in ________(庆祝)of her birthday last night.

3. Since her ______(arrive) at the company,she has reorganized several departments.

4.When _____(set) off for a long walk ,you should always wear suitable shoes.

5. We all _____(breath)a sigh of relief when the news came that no one was injured in the accident.

6.I am burning with _____(curious)---you must tell me who has won.

7. Going _____a diet has become a fashion.

8.She looks much ______(slim)wearing the dress.

9. Wang Peng sat in front of the restaurant ______(feel)very disappoint.

10.I will not have you ______(tell)a lie to your teacher.

第三节 作文(20分)

假定你是李华,准备参加你校英文报举办的主题为“My Most Unforgettabl Festival”征文活动,请按要求写一篇短文,内容包括:



注意:1.词数 不少于100词;






第一部分 听力

1-5ABCAC 6-10BABBC 11-15CAACB 16-20BBCBA

第二部分 阅读

A篇 21-23 C AA

B篇 24-27 DBAB

C篇 28- 31 CDCA

D篇 32-35 AACB


36-40 EGACF

第三部分 语言运用


41-45 DABDC 46-50 AABDB 51-55 DCBCB 56-60 CACAD


1.happily 2.insects 3.as 4.are getting 5.on

6.killed 7.eating 8.to save 9.who 10.will be punished


  1. have—has 2. into去掉 3. go—going 4. kind—kinds
  2. become 和successful 之间加a 6. was—is 7. health—healthy

8. me—myself 9. on—to 10. hardly—hard






