




标志词:like, be equal to/ with, be alike, be similar to, as well as, equivalence, between,etc.


例题:It can be inferred from the passage that Woofchose Chaucer as a literary model because she believed that___.




标志词:unlike, differ from , contradict, while, not… as…, far from, etc.


例文:African music, unlikethe music of some other cultures, was based on a total vision of life in which music was not an isolated social domain.

题目:The phrase “isolated social domain” refers to___.

A. African music in relation to contemporary culture as a whole.

B. Music as it may be perceived in non-African cultures.

C. A feature of African music that aided in transmitting African cultural values.

D. An aspect of the African cultural legacy.

E. The influence of music on contemporary culture.





例1:原文:The influence of the biological component of an ecosystem is often greaterin fresh waters than in marine or terrestrial systerms, because of the small size of man’s freshwater bodies.

题目:The passage indicates that organisms frequently have the strongest effects on their environment in ___.

A. oceans, since oceans contain the largest organisms living on Earth.

B. oceans, since oceans provide habitats for many different kinds of species.

C. freshwater bodies, since such effects become pronounced in relatively small spaces.

D. freshwater lakes, since nutrients in freshwater lakes are present only in small amounts.

E. land areas, since there exist major influences of climate on the kinds of small organisms supported in land areas.

解析:原文提到生态系统中的生物组成对淡水水体和海洋及陆地系统的影响不同,对前者的影响大于对后者的影响,并说明了原因。而题干升级到正向最高级进行提问,那么首先可以排除被比较的对象,即排除A,B,E选项; 当选择的范围缩小后,进一步分析C与D两项,会发现D项的表述过于片面,而且原因阐述的部分出现无中生有的推断(即原文并未提及的nutrients)以及过于绝对的表述(像“only”这样的极端词),三个方面的错误进一步排除了D项;最后检查C选项,该项表述符合原文,原因阐述部分恰好是对原文意思的另一种表达方式,故C项正确。

例2:原文:Occasionally Hardy felt the impulse to comedy as well as the impulse to farce, but he was more ofteninclined to see tragedy and record it.

题目:Which of the following statements about the use of comedy in Hardy’s novels is best supported by the passage?___

A. Hardy’s use of comedy in his novels tended to weaken his literary style.

B. Hardy’s use of comedy in his novels was inspired by his natural sympathy.

C. Comedy appeared less frequently in Hardy’s novels than did tragedy.

D. Comedy played an imortant role in Hardy’s novels though that comedy was ususally in the form of farce.

E. Comedy played a secondary role in Hady’s more controlled novels only.

解析:题干要求选出原文最支持的观点。原文中出现三样事物,按顺序出场分别是C, F, T,三者关系为:C=F<T,所以凭借这一层关系,便能一眼望出C项符合原意。



例1:原文:We also know that the number of indictments in preindustrial Europe bears little relation tothe number of actual criminal acts.

题目:According to the passage, which of the following is true of indictments for crime in Europe in the preindustrial period?___

A. They have, in terms of their numbers, remained relatively constant over time.

B. They give the historian important information about the mental lives of those indicted.

C. They are not a particularly accurate indication of the extent of actual criminal activity.

D. Their importance to historians of the nonelite has been generally overestimated.

E. Their problematic relationship to actual crime has not been acknowledged by most historians.


例2:原文:Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter that was far from uniform, comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numerous legal elements taken over fromthe non –Arab people of the conquered territories.

题目:The passage provides information to answer which of the following questions?___

A. Does Islamic law depend on sources other than Arab legal principles?

B. What secular practices of Islamic state conflicted with Islamic law?

C. Is Jewish law more uniform than canon law?

D. Are Jewish law and canon law the most typical examples of sacred law?

E. What characterized Arab law of the pre-Islamic era?

解析:本例主要还是考查Islamic law的来历,其中涉及与其它地区的law/legal elements的关系,应该说,前者由后者组成,而后者又来自某一个地方,彼此相互关联,这种相互关联恰恰可以回答选项A所提出的问题——是否具有依赖关系?

例3:The food supplies necessary to sustain the large vent communities, however, must be many timesthe ordinary fallout. (倍数关系)

例4:Mounting agrarian discontent in America paralleledthe almost uninterrupted decline in the prices of American agraicultural products on foreign markets. (平行关系)

例5:The law of energy conservation has been challenged bythe statement of Verdi. (相对立关系:被质疑)


小结:事物之间的关系错踪复杂,包括“发源”“接管”“继承(inherit)”“取代(subtitute, alternative, instead of)”“补充”“翻新”“正比”“反比”“此消彼长”“相生相克”等,越是深究,越不可自拔。下一期里,青青将介绍最后两大类主要考点。请继续关注。



