








a. Yesterday, my mother bought an apple, which is red, for me.

b. My mother bought me a red apple yesterday.


1. 引入研究对象——切中要害,渐入佳境

2. 描述其他研究不足——舌战群儒,唯吾独尊

3. 阐述研究目的——有的放矢,长风破浪

4. 涵盖范围与组织架构——张本继末,达地知根

5. 文献综述——博采众长,兼听则明

6. 描述样本信息——追本溯源,真凭实据

7. 数据分析——鞭辟入里,分毫析厘

8. 讨论——虑周藻密,枝叶扶疏

9. 引用他人意见——它山之石,前车之鉴

10. 关于语态

* 以 A 和 B 泛指人名,999 泛指数字,2020 泛指年份,均可根据实际需要进行替代。


(1) Statistical significance was ( )

a) accepted at the 999 level.

b) set at P = 999.

主句的括号中可根据需要选填 a 句或 b 句,即 Statistical significance was accepted at the 0.05 level. 或 Statistical significance was set at P = 0.05.

1. 引入研究对象——切中要害,渐入佳境

(1) Recent studies have explored the ( )

a) impact of ____ on ____.

b) differences/similarities between ____ and ____.

(2) Over the years, an enormous amount of research has been ( )

a) carried out in an attempt to ____.

b) conducted to determine ____.

(3) Considerable research attention has been ( )

a) paid to ____.

b) directed toward ____.

(4) A number of recent studies have ( )

a) examined/investigated ____.

b) focused/reported on ____.

c) linked ____ to ____.

d) addressed the issue of ____.

2. 描述其他研究不足——舌战群儒,唯吾独尊

There is limited research investigating ____.

There is scant evidence that ____.

To the best of our knowledge, no study has focused on ____.

Few studies have investigated the impact of ____.

Relatively little is understood about ____.

Few attempts have been made to investigate the role of ____.

Previous studies have disregarded ____.

Research on ____ has relied primarily on ____.

Previous research has largely overlooked the ( )

a) importance/significance/issue/role of ____.

b) challenges associated with ____.

c) possibility that ____.

3. 阐述研究目的——有的放矢,长风破浪

(1) The aim of this study/paper/article/essay/report is/was to ( )

a) address the issue of ____.

b) evaluate the effectiveness of ____.

c) identify the characteristics of ____.

d) extend this area of investigation by ____.

e) clarify the role of ____.

f) examine the variables associated with ____.

(2) This study/paper/article/essay/report was ( )

a) commissioned by ____.

b) carried out to examine ____.

c) undertaken to determine ____.

(3) In the present study, we ( )

a) describe a framework for ____.

b) propose a series of solutions for ____.

c) provide a theoretical basis for ____.

d) highlight the key differences between ____ and ____.

(4) This study/paper/article/essay/report sought to ( )

a) assess/describe/test ____.

b) shed light on ____.

c) provide detailed information on ____.

4. 涵盖范围与组织架构——张本继末,达地知根

An in-depth analysis of ____ is not within the scope of this article.

____ lies outside the scope of the present study/paper/article/essay/report.

(1) This study/paper/article/essay/report provides an overview of ( )

a) recent developments in ____.

b) issues relating to ____.

c) the current debates about ____.

d) the effect of ____ on ____.

e) the critical factors influencing ____.

f) the basic concepts of ____.

g) current research on ____.

(2) This study/paper/article/essay/report ( )

a) is divided/organized into 999 sections/broad parts/distinct sections.

b) comprises/consists of 999 parts.

c) is comprised of 999 sections.

(3) This study/paper/article/essay/report is organized into 999 main ( )

a) parts, the first of which deals with ____.

b) parts, both of which focus on ___.

5. 文献综述——博采众长,兼听则明

The literature on ____ has its roots in ____.

Despite differences in ____, there are areas of agreement.

Most researchers working in the area of ____ agree on____.

Much previous work on ____ has focused on ____.

A recent line of research has focused on ____.

A widely accepted hypothesis is that ____.

While there is wide agreement that ____, views differ on ____.

Numerous scholars have ( )

a) conducted research on ____.

b) noted that ____.

c) pointed out that ____.

d) attempted to identify ____.

e) sought to understand phenomena such as ____.

f) contended that ____.

6. 描述样本信息——追本溯源,真凭实据

(1) Participants in this study were ( )

a) randomly selected based on ____.

b) selected from ____.

(2) For the purpose of this study, ( )

a) ____ was measured with ____.

b) ____ was classified/defined as ____.

(3) The survey included ( )

a) a variety of questions on ____.

b) a set of questions designed to ____.

c) 999 questions, split evenly between ____ and ____.

7. 数据分析——鞭辟入里,分毫析厘

(1) Statistical significance was ( )

a) accepted at the 999 level.

b)set at P = 999.

c) determined by ____.

d) assessed by ____.

e) not achieved due to ____.

(2) Means and standard deviations ( )

a) were 999 and 999.

b) were determined through ____.

c) were obtained from ____.

d) were calculated for each ____.

e) are presented in Table 999.

8. 讨论——虑周藻密,枝叶扶疏

(1) Our findings ( )

a) can be divided into 999 categories: ____.

b) can be compared to results of earlier studies that ____.

c) provide strong evidence that ____.

d) reveal that ____.

(2) The results yielded ( )

a) some interesting findings.

b) no signs of ____.

c) no significant correlation between ____ and ____.

d) no statistically significant relationships between ____ and ____.

(3) Future research will have to ( )

a) clarify/confirm/determine (whether) ____.

b) shed light on ____.

c) address ____ in more detail.

d) meet the challenge of ____.

9. 引用他人意见——它山之石,前车之鉴

A was one of the first to define ____ as ____.

In his 2020 study, A argued that ____.

A and B have put forward the hypothesis that ____.

A’s impact on ____ has been widely examined.

Both A and B ____. However, while the former ____, the latter____.

While A’s findings indicate that ____, it has not yet been demonstrated that ____.

A number of studies ____. Specifically, A and B examined ____.

As an example of ____, consider the study of A, which ____.

10. 关于语态

英文写作中会涉及到主动语态(active voice)和被动语态(passive voice),究竟应如何选择语态?









