
Books and People

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph. Your part of the composition should be no less than 120 words, not including the words given.

Books and People

Different books are intended for different people.-----------------------------------------------



Different people read different ideas from the books.----------------------------------------------



Instructions and advice are helpful for reading.-----------------------------------------------------





Books and People

Different books are intended for① different people. Children’s books and picture books are usually for babies and children. Stories and novels of love are written mainly for young people. Books with specific purposes, such as gardening and farming, are more welcome to older people.

Different people read different ideas from the books. Children like the pictures and the colours. Youth learn knowledge and experience from them. And the old enjoy the thoughts and feelings in the books. On the other hand②, the female focuses on③ the plot, and the male pay more attention to④ the result.

Instructions and advice are helpful for reading. Sometimes we should scan⑤ the books, skim⑥ the books, and sometimes should chew⑦ them. For important books, we should take notes, and for pastime books, we should enjoy or relaxedly read them. In short⑧, different books should be dealt with with different reading methods.


①are intended for:为…做准备(打算)

②on the other hand:另一方面

③focus on:集中注意力于…,把重点放在…上

④pay more attention to:更加注意…




⑧in short:总而言之;概括地说



本文是一篇典型的根据段首句展开的议论文。这种题型的作文在历年的大学英语四级考试中也经常出现。本篇作文题论点鲜明,即要求讨论“Books and People”二者之间的关系,并在比较不同的书与不同的人之间内在联系的基础上,针对如何读书提出一些有益的建议。

本篇作文题具有一定的哲理性。第一段结合段首句写不同的书是针对不同的阅读对象而写的,并展开叙述。第二段针对段首句的提示又从不同年龄阶层的人对书的爱好是不尽相同的和性别不一样对书的理解也不一样这两方面入手。第三段着重强调阅读的几种方法“Scan”(精读),“Skim”(略读),还是记笔记等等。最后一句用“different books should be dealt with with different reading methods”来总结全文,从而照应了书该如何去读这一主题。这样,文章前后呼应,给人以较深刻的印象。




