





Formal English

Informal English

A: What did you think of the movie?

A: How’d you like the movie?

B: Well, it was nothing special.

B: Oh, it was okay.

A: What was your criticism?

A: What didn’t you like?

B: I thought the ending was terrible. I don’t like sad endings.

B: I thought the ending was the pits. I hate sad endings.

A: I agree.

A: Me too.

-Be the ˈpits:( informal ) to be very bad or the worst example of sth 是坏典型;是拙劣典型;最糟糕

• The rainy weather is the absolute pits. 多雨的天气真是太糟糕了。


Formal English

Informal English

A: What did you think of the movie?

A: How’d you like the movie?

B: Well, it was nothing special.

B: Oh, it was okay.

A: What was your criticism?

A: What didn’t you like?

B: It was difficult for me to imagine John Wayne as a businessman. That ruined the movie for me.

B: It was hard for me to imagine John Wayne as a businessman. That destroyed the movie for me.

A: That’s a good point, but I think John Wayne did a good job. I think it was the script that was bad.

A: That’s a good point, but I think John Wayne did a good job. I think it was the script that was lousy.

-Script: [C] a written text of a play, film/movie, broadcast, talk, etc. 剧本;电影剧本;广播(或讲话等)稿

• That line isn't in the original script. 原剧本中没有那句台词。


• 当老外用OK描述一件事的时候其实本意是这个东西不很OK,也就是很一般、很平常、没什么特别的意思。换言之,OK不是一个分量十足的褒义词,相反,这是老外在委婉的表达不够好的意思。那么如果外国人非常满意会怎么说呢?或者说用什么词呢?其实也很简单,比如说:great, wondeful, marvelous, fantastic, phenomenal, tremendous 和 amazing 等等。

• “That's a good point, but I think...”是一个非常实用的表达,表示的意思是:你说的观点很有趣,但我不同意。


Thank You In Advance!


