
现实版来自星星的你,陨石,由于宇宙的奥秘无穷,这些陨石就成了神秘的代表藏品,外天空 的石头也受热捧,市场上一块小小的陨石价格就已经能堪比黄金了。市场上也有这么一群人,他们是职业陨石猎人,也叫猎星人。在中国,他们的工作便是在深山老林、戈壁荒漠中寻找陨石,并高价出售谋取暴利。寻宝的过程充满险阻,但一夜暴富的故事又不断施加着诱惑。








陨石是太阳系的“考古”标本,根据对陨石中铀、钍、钾等元素的同位素组成的测定,可以推算出:太阳系元素的年龄为54±4亿年,元素形成后至太阳星云凝聚之间的“间隔年龄” 为1—3亿年,太阳星云开始凝聚是在距今47 亿年前,太阳系中各类陨石凝结的年龄大约是 45—46亿 年,这也可以作为太阳系各行星形成的年龄。由此可见,研究陨石对太阳系演化的年代学的研究有多么重要的意义。 陨石在太阳系茫茫空间运行过程中,有可能由于受到碰撞而破碎,碎片直接暴露在宇宙射线之下,会形成许多种宇宙成因核素。对陨石中各种宇宙成因核素的研究, 可以为我们探讨银河系宇宙射线的成分、能谱,认识宇宙线的长期变化规律,弄清高能核反应的特点,故而,陨石又被称作宇宙空间的天然“探测器”。





英文翻译:The real version of you from the stars, meteorites, because the mystery of the universe is infinite, these meteorites have become a mysterious representative of the collection, the stone outside the sky is also hot, the market price of a small meteorite can be comparable to gold. There's also a group of people in the market, professional meteorite hunters, or star hunters. In China, their job is to search for meteorites in the mountains, forests and gobi deserts, and sell them at a high price for profiteering. The hunt for treasure is fraught with pitfalls, but stories of instant riches provide a constant lure.

Meteorites are pieces of debris from bodies in the solar system other than Earth. The vast majority come from asteroids located between Mars and Jupiter. A few come from the moon and Mars. Meteorites are usually divided into three categories according to their internal iron and nickel metal content: stone meteorites, iron meteorites, and stone iron meteorites. The olivine meteorite is one of the rarest and most precious stone and iron meteorites, with less than 1% of the global discovery amount.

The moon meteorite,

This stone meteorite shape is correct, strong texture, high proportion, easy to collect and preserve, meteorites have always been auspicious stone, heaven outside objects, "stone to run" means good. We all know that meteorites are generally identified by their appearance based on molten shell and specific gravity. Molten shell is about 1mm black or dark brown shell produced by high temperature melting of meteorites. The dissolution characteristics of this meteorite are very obvious, and the specific gravity is very high.

Honeycomb meteorite surface melting shell is very obvious, drop collision with earth, the earth's sediment infiltrated together, this is the obvious characteristics of meteorites, melting and shell, the better the higher the price, especially the moon meteorite, the moon after numerous meteor impact, can impact craters are very shallow, after landing on the moon, the moon rock contains a lot of rare metal and high hardness.

Meteorites are "archaeological" specimens of the solar system. According to the determination of the isotopic composition of elements such as uranium, thorium and potassium in meteorites, it can be deduced that: The age of the elements in the solar system is 54±4 billion years, and the "interval age" between the formation of the elements and the condensation of the solar nebula is 100-300 million years. The solar nebula began to condense 4.7 billion years ago, and the condensation age of all kinds of meteorites in the solar system is about 4.5 to 4.6 billion years, which can also be used as the age of the formation of the planets in the solar system. Thus, the study of meteorites on the solar system evolution of the chronology of the study of how important significance. Meteorites in the vast space of the solar system, it is possible that due to the collision and broken, the debris directly exposed to cosmic rays, will form many kinds of cosmogenic nuclides. The study of various cosmogenic nuclides in meteorites can help us to explore the composition and energy spectrum of cosmic rays in the Galaxy, understand the long-term variation law of cosmic rays, and clarify the characteristics of high-energy nuclear reactions. Therefore, meteorites are also called natural "detectors" in space.

It can be seen that meteorite gas marks also have ablation pits or deep holes, such as the pits and holes of the Willamte large iron meteorite in the United States or the Chaco large iron meteorite in Argentina. Some meteorites have airprints, that is, features that they have outside the atmosphere on the way down. Friction combustion with oxygen, under high temperature, some metals with low melting point are blown away by the wind, leaving a series of dents. After hitting the earth, sand enters the interior of the meteorite, forming holes of different sizes. This meteorite has obvious characteristics, and its performance is very open.

Have meteorites is considered auspicious rock: sometimes for work, more of heaven to be a good one million head, in this era of rapid renminbi devaluation, businessmen are more willing to invest a rare product, is the so-called daughter comes easily, a treasure is hard to find, at present people pursuit of meteorites more than diamonds, its value in terms of g, moreover meteorites make tea, magnetic field to adjust the human body, achieve the goal of fitness regimen. This meteorite appearance is very good, do a base can be used as ornaments, ornamental value and high collection value.


