英文歌曲days of the week(好歌赏析听歌学英语)

小双 《双子座视角》

好歌赏析 ---- 听、唱英语歌的过程中,练习听、讲英文口语能力。

《双子座视角 》的后台老师们,一直推动着,以听唱,英语歌曲,作为一个提升英语水平的学习方法。因为学习一种语言,必须要有一个语言环境,能让你长时间浸淫其中;而本栏目就是一个完全不受时空限制的平台,让你在任何时间、场地都可以进行练习:走在路上、在交通车上、在淋浴时、弄饭时等,都可以听歌和跟着唱 --- 这就是一个学习、练习语言最好的环境!!经过长时间的浸淫后,在听和讲的能力上都会有提升。然后在听到一首新英文歌时,很自然也就能听明白歌词的内容。




英文歌曲days of the week(好歌赏析听歌学英语)(1)



英文歌曲days of the week(好歌赏析听歌学英语)(2)


英文歌曲days of the week(好歌赏析听歌学英语)(3)


Those Were The Days (当年)那些日子 -- by Mary Hopkin

歌词:Those Were The Days (当年)那些日子

Once upon a time there was a tavern where we used to raise a glass or two.

从前有一家小酒馆,我们曾经在那儿喝个一两杯。Remember how we laughed away the hours.记得我们怎么嬉笑着打发时间。Think of all the great things we would do.想象着那些我们将会做的伟大的事情。

Those were the days my friend.我的朋友,当年那些日子

We thought they'd (1) never end.我们以为它们永远不会结束。We'd (1) sing and dance forever and a day (2).我们会一直唱歌跳舞直到永远。We'd (1) live the life (3) we choose.我们会过我们选择(想过)的生活(人生)。We'd fight and never lose.我们会斗争并永远不会输。For we were young and sure to have our way.因为我们年轻而且肯定会有我们的路。

La la la la...啦啦啦啦…

Then the busy years went rushing by us.然后那些匆忙的岁月在匆匆的冲我们而过。We lost our starry notions on the way.一路上我们失去了我们灿烂的看法。If by chance (4) I'd see you in the tavern.如果偶然我会在小酒馆看到(遇上)你。We'd smile at one another and we'd say:我们会向对方微笑,而且我们会说:

Those were the days my friend.


We thought they'd never end.我们以为它们永远不会结束。We'd sing and dance forever and a day.我们会一直唱歌跳舞直到永远。We'd live the life we choose.我们会过我们选择(想过)的生活(人生)。We'd fight and never lose.我们会斗争并永远不会输。

Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days.当年那些日子,噢,是的,当年那些日子。

La la la la...啦啦啦啦…

Just tonight I stood before the tavern.就今晚我站在小酒馆门前。Nothing seemed the way it used to be (5).没有一点儿痕迹像它惯常一样了 (所有的事情都变了样子)。In the glass I saw a strange reflection.在玻璃上我看到了一个奇怪倒影。Was that lonely woman really me?那个孤单的女人真的是我吗?

Those were the days my friend.


We thought they'd never end.我们以为它们永远不会结束。We'd sing and dance forever and a day.我们会一直唱歌跳舞直到永远。We'd live the life we choose.我们会过我们选择(想过)的生活(人生)。We'd fight and never lose.我们会斗争并永远不会输。

Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days.当年那些日子,噢,是的,当年那些日子。

La la la la...啦啦啦啦…

Through the door there came familiar laughter.熟悉的笑声从门里透出来。I saw your face and heard you call my name.我看到你的脸并听到你叫我的名字。Oh my friend we're older but no wiser.噢,我的朋友,我们变老了却没有变得聪明些。For in our hearts the dreams are still the same.因为在我们的心里的那些梦想还是一样(没有变)。

Those were the days my friend.


We thought they'd never end.我们以为它们永远不会结束。We'd sing and dance forever and a day.我们会一直唱歌跳舞直到永远。We'd live the life we choose.我们会过我们选择(想过)的生活(人生)。We'd fight and never lose.我们会斗争并永远不会输。

Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days.当年那些日子,噢,是的,当年那些日子。

La la la la...啦啦啦啦…

学习点 Learning Points:

  1. They'd, We'd --- 是 “they would 他们会, we would 我们会” 的口语版简写。
  2. Forever and a day --- Forever = 永远;如果永远多加一天,会比 “永远“ 更久一些;所以这是一种加强语气的修辞方式。
  3. Life --- (n.) 生活、人生。两个说法在这里都通。
  4. By chance --- 随机、偶然。
  5. Used to be --- 通常是、惯常是、习惯是。



