
剑桥大学出版社出版的《英语在用》(English Vocabulary in Use) 丛书被誉为“英语学习者的‘圣经’”,借此平台吼一吼,有没有朋友感兴趣一起学习?,下面我们就来说一说关于当前英语中级词汇的用法?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



英语在用—中级英语词汇 Unit 1-B

剑桥大学出版社出版的《英语在用》(English Vocabulary in Use) 丛书被誉为“英语学习者的‘圣经’”,借此平台吼一吼,有没有朋友感兴趣一起学习?

《英语在用—中级英语词汇》共有100个单元,今天分享的是Unit 1--B,主要是讲学习新单元的方法,音频材料是英式发音。

Studying a new unit 学习新单元

When you are studying a unit for the first time, you need to be active when you are learning.

• With a new word or phrase, say it aloud, and repeat it to yourself silently. If you have the eBook that goes with the book, use it to check the pronunciation.

• Use a highlighter pen to mark words you think are important or difficult.

• Write down new words and phrases in your notebook. (See Unit 2 for more information.)

• Always try to write an example sentence for new words. You can choose an example from this book or a dictionary, but an example from your own life will often help you to remember a word, forexample, I shared a flat with an Australian girl when I was in London last year.

• Do exercises in pencil, then you can rub them out (using a rubber) and do them again later. This is a good way to revise vocabulary.

1. say it aloud: speak it so you can hear it

2. repeat it to yourself silently: repeat it in your head, not speaking

3. highlighter [ˈhaɪlaɪtə(r)] n.(颜色鲜亮的)标记笔,荧光笔

4. rub [rʌb] them out: (用橡皮等)擦掉,擦去 近义词:erase [ɪˈreɪz]

5. rubber 橡皮擦,黑板擦 注意:北美英语使用 eraser [ɪˈreɪzə(r)]

第一单元请点击:Unit 1--A


