
用英语学英语口语:Post/ holiday syndrome 节后/节假日综合症


说到“节假日综合症”,你就只会想到英语单词holiday syndrome,然后再用中文想起几个使用它的“英语例句”吗?


首先声明:对于“节假日综合症”这个概念,我本人虽然在中文媒质上接触很多(你可能也一样的),可是,对什么是“节假日综合症”的含义也是保持一种“似懂非懂”状态而已,至于英语holiday syndrome究竟是指什么?仅仅是中文“节假日综合症”的对等义吗?更是一无所知。所以,今天和你一样,首先“体验英语”后,真的“涨知识”,不是英语,是对holiday syndrome这个英语词本身在英语国家的人在“认识”方面的“联想”,我涨知识了(你可能也一样的)。

1) URead 体验英语:


How to Cope With Post Holiday Syndrome

Holiday syndrome is an experience during the 5-6 week period from Thanksgiving through Christmas until early January.


holiday syndrome

An experience said to occur before Thanksgiving and continuing into the Christmas holiday season, ending a few days after January 1.


The Holiday Syndrome: Who Exactly Came Up With the Idea of Those Christmas Blues?

2) UTalk 自己跟自己说,使用英语:


OK. I got you. When we say holiday syndrome in English, Holiday Syndrome actually means the experience or suffering DURING and AROUND Thanksgiving,Christmas and the New Year's Day. “Holiday” here means Thanksgiving, Christmas,and New Year's Day.

But in China, people use Holiday Syndrome for every HOLIDAY,like Spring Festival,like Dragon Boat Festival,like National Day.


1) URead 体验英语:

After spending a wonderful holiday over the Christmas and New Year period, some people feel blue and find that it's difficult to return to their normal daily work and daily life. Post holiday syndrome is also called holiday blues, holiday depression, or post-Christmas blues. Holiday syndrome usually occurs after the winter holidays and festival season,or during the holiday season.

If you’ve just got back from holidays and can’t settle into work again, you’re probably suffering from a case of the holiday blues.

2) UTalk 自己跟自己说英语,使用英语:


1. 读到over the Christmas and New Year period, some people feel blue and find that it's difficult to return to their normal daily work and daily life自己If you’ve just got back from holidays and can’t settle into work again, you’re probably suffering from a case of the holiday blues时,说英语:

OK.Got it.Holiday syndrome means after the Christmas and New Year period, we feel blue and find it difficult to return to our normal daily work and daily life, or we can’t settle into work again. That is holiday syndrome, or the holiday blues.

2. 读到Post holiday syndrome is also called holiday blues, holiday depression, or post-Christmas blues时,说英语:

So holiday syndrome has many other names.We can call it holiday syndrome.We can call it post holiday syndrome.We can call it holiday blues,or Christmas blues.

1) URead 体验英语:

How to Cope With Post Holiday Syndrome

suffering from a case of the holiday blues.

2) UTalk 自己跟自己说英语,使用英语:

读到How to Cope With Post Holiday Syndrome以及suffering from a case of the holiday blues时,说英语:

When we talk about holiday syndrome, we can say how to cope with, deal with,or overcome holiday syndrome.

We will also say we suffer from ,or experience holiday syndrome.

训练信息量太大了。剩下的holiday syndrome起因,这里不练了,你能不能URead&UTalk,自己“练练手”?

Some reasons for experiencing,or suffering from post holiday syndrome are as follows:

The holiday season is both joyful and stressful at once. There is family to get along with, gifts to buy and return, people to visit, activities to throw yourself into, plenty of festive food to eat, sales to rush to, and parties to plan and attend. Topped off with the excitement of New Year's Eve, your adrenaline has probably been pumping a lot of the time during the Christmas and New Year's period. Returning to the usual routine and probably quieter workplace than normal can dampen your spirits just by the absence of exciting things to do and look forward to.


