
Western Humanism




Humanism is the early bourgeois world outlook and outlook on life in the Renaissance, which advocated that people should be the center and everything should be for the interests of people, and which is opposite to religious theology. It is also the political trend of thought and the new cultural movement of the emerging bourgeoisie in Europe against feudalism. The humanistic movement first arose in Italy in the second half of the 14th century, and spread throughout the major countries in Western Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. The main representatives are Petrarch, Pomponazi, Da Vinci and Boccaccio of Italy, Erasmus of the Netherlands, Montaigne of France, etc. Humanists use "humanity" to oppose "divinity" and "human rights" to oppose "divine rights". They took people as the center, opposed the medieval idea of worshiping God and belittling people, advocated human dignity and value, praised human wisdom and strength, and praised the perfection and loftiness of human nature; Humanists advocated individual liberation, freedom and equality, opposed the spiritual dictatorship and feudal hierarchy of the church, and hated asceticism in the Middle Ages; They advocate scientific and cultural knowledge and oppose scholasticism and obscurantism. They require people to turn their eyes from God to man, from heaven to earth, and advocate that all men are created equal, that freedom of personality is inviolable, and that happiness in this world is above all else. Humanists declared these requirements as the universal natural nature of human beings, believing that such natural requirements of human nature were suppressed and buried in the Middle Ages, and now they have "discovered" and "affirmed" "human beings" again. The trend of humanism had a wide influence on philosophy, literature, art, language and other ideologies at that time.


