
Carving Up an OxA cook was butchering an ox for Duke Wen Hui.,下面我们就来说一说关于客来鱼羊四字成语?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



Carving Up an Ox

A cook was butchering an ox for Duke Wen Hui.

The places his hand touched,

His shoulder leaned against,

His foot stepped on,

His knee pressed upon,

Came apart with a sound.

He moved the blade, making a noise

That never fell out of rhythm.

It harmonized with the Mulberry Woods Dance,

Like music from ancient times.

Duke Wen Hui exclaimed: "Ah! Excellent!

Your skill has advanced to this level?"

The cook puts down the knife and answered:

"What I follow is Tao,

Which is beyond all skills.

"When I started butchering,

What I saw was nothing but the whole ox.

After three years,

I no longer saw the whole ox.

"Nowadays, I meet it with my mind

Rather than see it with my eyes.

My sensory organs are inactive


