

Listen&Learn: Human Libraries「人类图书馆」

Jaksyn Peacock

Places for people to tell their stories and learn about each other.


Pre-listening vocabulary
  • organization「组织」: a group of people who have a goal
  • diverse「不同的」: including people of many different backgrounds and identities
  • volunteer「志愿者」: someone who offers to do something for free
  • borrow「借;借用」: to take something and return it later
  • stereotype「刻板的;老一套的」: a generalized belief about a group of people
  • empathize「同感的,共鸣的」: to understand someone’s feelings and experiences
Gapfill exercise「填空练习」

In 2000, an organization in Denmark started a「 」called “The Human Library”. This library was not meant for borrowing 「 」. Instead, visitors could “borrow” a person and 「 」to their story. The event had a diverse group of volunteers with unique 「 」 to share. The Human Library’s goal was to challenge stereotypes. By meeting one-on-one, the visitors and volunteers got a chance to empathize with each other. The first event was very 「 」, and the Human Library began to travel around the world. Over 80 countries have now held Human Library events. Some countries have even built permanent Human Libraries that people can visit at any time.

Comprehension questions「理解问答」1. The first Human Library event was held in

a Denmark

b England

c Finland

2. At the Human Library, visitors could borrow

a books written by diverse authors

b people with unique experiences to share

c lessons about stereotypes and empathy

3. The Human Library's goal was

a to challenge stereotypes

b to offer books from around the world

c to get people interested in reading


In 2000, an organization in Denmark started a project called “The Human Library”. This library was not meant for borrowing books. Instead, visitors could “borrow” a person and listen to their story. The event had a diverse group of volunteers with unique experiences to share. The Human Library’s goal was to challenge stereotypes. By meeting one-on-one, the visitors and volunteers got a chance to empathize with each other. The first event was very successful, and the Human Library began to travel around the world. Over 80 countries have now held Human Library events. Some countries have even built permanent Human Libraries that people can visit at any time.




