
用英语学英语口语:Body Double 特朗普妻“替身”“炸锅”







这几天,美国个各social media(社交媒体)纷纷“炸了锅”,纷纷“炸了”(continued to trend,or is trending)。热搜词,热搜榜(hashtag)就是:特朗普妻子用“替身”。



1. 用中文学英语,说单词:替身的英语叫body double,也叫a stand-in

2. 用英语学英语,说“意思”,练口语,以后“忘词”也莫慌,英语口语能力做“替身”:

Well a body double is also called a stand-in, or a lookalike,or a twin.

When we say a body double, when we say a stand-in,when we say a lookalike, we mean someone looks like you,or looks exactly the same as you,just like your twin(that means two babies who were born at almost the same time from the same mother).

When we say "double",when we say "stand-in",we mean someone else 'steps in',or replace you for doing something.OR if someone is doing something in place of you, we call him your body double, or your stand-in.

你可以忘词,但不会“忘说”:说上面这些表达body double意思的英语,这就是“语言能力”。

下面这篇是出自美国著名杂志Newsweek(新闻周刊)的报道美国总统夫人使用body double出席公众场合的英语文章。我们不希望你把这样的一篇“原版英语”当做“英译汉”来读(“理解语言”是中文),而是你的阅读“理解语言”必须是(或学会是)英语,把英语作为“理解语言”来读:在英语里理解英语,学习英语,使用英语。

1. Newsweek写作者都是语言高手,用词上总会让读者“收益匪浅”的。比如,它把Donald Trump“谐音”称为Donald Dumped(也就是文章标题里的用词:her wife is leaving him,will divorce him,下文说的Melania Trump takes up with another man)

2. rumors:when some words are spreading everywhere,or are spreading from one person to another person about someone,but no one can say Yes,that is true,or No,that is not true,we call this a rumor.

3. dump her husband,or his wife:when we "dump something",we dump something like trash into the trash can.When you dump your husband,or your wife, you mean well we are going to be husband and wife no more.You will not be my husband wife or husband any more.

Is Melania Leaving President Trump? After Body Double Rumors, You Can Now Bet On it

First lady Melania Trump is now 25 percent more likely to dump her husband, the president, before the end of the year, thanks to this week's body double rumors, an Irish bookmaker said Wednesday.

Paddy Power had offered bettors 16-1 odds that the Trumps would move from Washington to Splitsville — but dropped those odds to 12-1 after online conspiracists floated the notion that the first lady is sending a stand-in to pose next to her husband.

“It looks like a case of Donald Dumped, if the conspiracy theorists are anything to go by,” a spokesman for the company said in a release.

The October 13 "Doublegate" incident included questions about the first lady's height, hair, nose and sunglasses, but was also fueled by an awkward comment by the president himself.

“My wife, Melania," he said, quickly adding, "who happens to be right here.”

The Washington Post debunked the rumors on Wednesday, but social media is not as easily convinced that the rumors are false. And the hashtag #MelaniaBodyDouble continued to trend on Wednesday with users claiming that the first lady’s body double was the Terminator, her bodyguard or mouthy lead Aerosmith singer, Steven Tyler.

So naturally, the bookies have followed suit. And it's not the first time Paddy Power has offered odds on this administration's comings and, perhaps, goings. The bookmaker is offering 2/1 odds, for example, that Trump will be impeached before the end of the year, and 6/1 by the end of 2018.

The bookmaker will also pay out 33/1 if the President confirms the body double rumor, and has made it an 8/1 shot that Melania Trump takes up with another man during the first term.


