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“Broadening” Horizons




Let me begin by admitting that I have a certain bias towards sailing the open seas. As a child, I read and loved novels about the sea by the likes of Robert Louis Stevenson, Jules Verne and Herman Melville (I enjoy One Piece (《海贼王》) as well). There is something incredibly romantic about living on open waters, where you are at the mercy of Mother Nature, but at the same time, free from all the obligations of a regular society. Some individuals are looking to do just that, but their decision has been met with a negative reaction.

A couple sold their home and quit their jobs to buy a boat and take their six-year-old daughter on a 200-day sailing trip around the Asia-Pacific region (亚太地区). Throughout their journey, they visited places like Malaysia, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Despite being back on land now, the couple is planning to go on a three-year voyage around the world. It means that their daughter might have to take a long break from her normal life in China. Critics of the family's plan bring up concerns about the child's education and her future entrance into society.


I understand. Education is indeed a cause for alarm, especially since we are talking about the most important years of growth for a child. Her parents may not be teachers and we can't be sure whether they will teach her what she needs. But if moving between five different countries has taught me one thing, it is to adapt. There is no doubt in my mind that if the child spends three years traveling around the world, she will be able to survive in any environment she gets dropped into.


You see, traveling can be so much more than just flying somewhere, jumping on a bus and taking pictures next to famous sights (名胜). It is a chance to get involved with locals, learn about the culture and traditions of the country, and perhaps even pick up some of the language. That doesn't happen when you travel with a tour group and is hard to achieve when you are with family. That's why I think the best way to learn about a place when you grow up would be to travel alone, or maybe with a like-minded (志趣相投的) friend; carry nothing but a backpack, live with locals, and really spend the time immersing yourself in the culture.




1. Who are the three men in the pictures?



① Robert L. Stevenson罗伯特·史蒂文森 (Scottish novelist)

② Jules Verne 儒勒·凡尔纳 (French novelist)

③ Herman Melville 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔 (American novelist)

Match each writer with his notable work(s).


Key: ①→d ②→b, c ③→a

2. How do you usually travel abroad? Do you like traveling by sea? Why or why not?

Language study

1. As a child, I read and loved novels about the sea by the likes of Robert Louis Stevenson, Jules Verne and Herman Melville.

the likes of sb./sth.: used to talk about people of a particular type ……的一类人或物

e.g. Information is collected through the likes of the FBI, CIA and Scotland Yard.

2. It is a chance to get involved with locals, learn about the culture and traditions of the country, and perhaps even pick up some of the language.

pick sth. up: to learn a new skill or language by practicing it rather than being taught it(通过实践)学会

e.g. You will soon pick up Japanese if you live in Tokyo.

pick sb. up: to give sb. a lift in a car 用汽车搭载某人或接某人

e.g. My father will pick me up at 8 o'clock at the school gate.

Complete each sentence with one word in its correct form.

obligation critic concern adapt immerse

1. It was not easy for her to be ___________ to changeable weather conditions in London.

2. We became ___________ for their safety as darkness fell.

3. We will get nowhere if all of you only ___________ and complain.

4. It is a moral ___________ to help the people in need.

5. The professor ___________ himself in Chinese history.

Key: 1. adapted 2. concerned 3. criticize 4. obligation 5. immersed

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 福克斯新闻频道是美国唯一一家明显偏向共和党的主流媒体。(bias)

2. 阿里巴巴的翻译团队战胜了腾讯、微软这一类公司,在2018国际机器翻译大赛上(WMT 2018)获得五项大奖。(like)

3. 我在公园看到一个男孩放风筝,风筝在风中失去控制,在头顶上方忽上忽下。(mercy)


1. Fox News is the only mainstream media in the U.S. that has a clear bias towards the Republican Party.

2. Alibaba's translation team defeated the likes of Tencent and Microsoft, and won five awards at the WMT 2018.

3. In the park, I saw a boy flying a kite which was up and down overhead at the mercy of the wind.

Reading comprehension

Choose the best answer.

1. People have a negative attitude towards the family mentioned in the article mainly because the couple ______.

A. sold their home and quit their jobs

B. didn't take their young daughter on the sailing trip

C. seemed to neglect their daughter's education

D. went to dangerous places in Southeast Asia

2. According to the author, if the girl goes on a voyage around the world with her parents, she will probably ______ than her peers.

A. become better educated

B. have stronger adaptability

C. become less sociable

D. suffer more from culture shock

3. According to the author, you'd better not ______ if you really want to broaden your horizons.

① travel with your family ② carry heavy luggage

③ eat with locals ④ live in a fancy hotel

A. ①②③ B. ①②④ C. ①③④ D. ②③④

Key: 1-3 CBB

After reading

Suppose your parents sold your home, quit their jobs and plan to travel around the world. Would you like to go with them? Why or why not? Write an English composition in 120-150 words.


「英语阅读基础版」The Price of Existence(内附音频)

「英语阅读基础版」Life Is a Gift(内附音频)

「英语阅读基础版」Adopting Abandoned Animals(内附音频)

「英语阅读基础版」Poverty of the Spirit(内附音频)






