

1.好天气Lovely DayGeorge:What a lovely day, isn’t it?Rose:Yes, it’s nice and bright.George:I hope it stays like this.Rose:I hope so too.George:Is the weather usually like this here?Rose:It’s usually a bit hotter than today.George:What’s the weather like in winter?Rose:It’s pretty cold and it often snows.George:I wonder what it’s going to be like tomorrow.Rose:Let’s hear the weather report later. What’s the weather like in your hometown?George:Neither too cold nor too hot.Rose:That’s quite a lovely weather.George:Yes, especially in spring.Rose:Have you ever seen a hurricane?George:Once, when I was a child.Rose:Do they often happen in your country?George:Now and then.Rose:Oh, it’s time for the weather report. Let’s turn on the TV.


2.坏天气Lousy WeatherLinda:Lousy weather, isn’t it?Jack :It has stopped snowing, but it is even colder.Linda:Look at the ice there hanging from the eaves!Jack :And the streets are covered with snow.Linda:Do you know what the temperature is today?Jack :I missed today’s weather forecast over the TV.Linda:It feels like 10 degrees below zero at least. I don’t mind the cold weather, but I do hate it when it gets slippery.Jack :The ice will soon be thick enough for skating. I’m so fond of winter sports!Linda:That’s great. Let’s go skating together tomorrow.


3.寒冷的天气Cold WeatherLarry :Did you hear how cold it got last night?Shirley:I heard the radio announcer say it was 18 degrees below zero.Larry :It was so cold this morning. I could hardly start my car.Shirley:My car didn’t want to start, either, at first.Larry :Don’t you have a garage?Shirley:Not in the new apartment. We have to leave the car in the parking lot.Larry :How much antifreeze did you put in your car then? You must have to keep it well below zero.Shirley:I do. Right now I have it protected up to 30 below zero.Larry :Does it ever get that cold on here?Shirley:Not really. It sometimes gets to 20 below.Larry :Speaking of cold, how about going for a cup of coffee to warm up?


4.炎热的天气Hot WeatherGary:Oh, my! It’s really hot! I’ve never seen such scorching weather in my life!Sharon:Tell my about it! It’s like the whole world is broiling.Gary:Oh, look at the thermometer! The temperature has hit 98!Sharon:I hope it’s not gonna break into three digits!Gary:But it’s already awfully close!Sharon:Well, I just hope it’ll level off.Gary:I guess we can’t do anything until after dark then.Sharon:I guess so. What else can we do? You can’t stay in the heat for long!


5.淋个落汤鸡Drowned ratSteve:Wow, you look like a drowned rat! Didn’t you know there’s a thunder-storm today?Judy:I knew there would be a shower, but I didn’t realize it would rain cats and dogs today.Steve:Well, you’d better take a hot shower right now, or you’ll catch a cold.Judy:I know. I don’t want to get sick, especially during finals week.


6.久旱无雨DroughtSally:I think a drought has set in. it hasn’t rained a drop for months.Eve :I think so, too, but didn’t it rain last month?Sally:It did rain last month, but the rainfall was only half the monthly average.Eve :Oh. That bad?!Sally:That’s right. It’s really bad. I’m really concerned though not panicked yet.Eve :I don’t blame you. The pastures have browned out even before the summer hasn’t arrived.Sally:Yeah, and the soil has been baked so hard that the plow can’t even break the soil.Eve :Looks like it’s going to be an ongoing thing that would get worse each day.Sally:Yeah. If it doesn’t rain, it’s going to get critical.


warm暖和的hot热的muggy闷热的boiling hot酷热的cool凉爽的cold冷的chilly寒冷的sunny阳光充足的,晴朗的cloudy多云的windy有风的rainy下雨的snowy下雪的foggy有雾的Celsius摄氏的Fahrenheit华氏的degree度数,度weatherman气象员wind风breeze微风gale大风hurricane飓风tornado龙卷风typhoon台风rain雨,下雨

drizzle毛毛雨heavy rain大雨shower阵雨thunder storm雷雨storm暴风雨,暴风雪thunder雷lightning闪电hail冰雹,下雹了snow雪,下雪slight snow小雪heavy snow大雪blizzard暴风雪sandstorm沙尘暴fog雾mist薄雾hale冰雹

