




桃源书院Taoyuan Academy


Academy can be said to be an advanced form of library. In addition to storage of a large volume of books, it should also have famous scholars to teach students and make researches. Since the Tang Dynasty, Taoyuan Academy was most famous in Ningbo during the Song Dynasty. Its initiator was Wang Zhi, who is one of the “Five Most Famous Teachers in Qingli Reign”, and there were also teachers, such as prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty –Shihao, the No.1 Scholar of Ningbo – Zhang Xiaoxiang, as well as Wang Anshi, Zhou Shihou, Wangzhu, etc totally over 100 persons. Nowadays, Taoyuan Academy is re-built in mountain of Ningbo, Yinzhou. Being spacious, upright, simple and refined, it seems that Taoyuan Academy still has readers reading aloud, so it really deserves the reputation of millennium academy.





Baiyunzhuang is located at Guanjiang river bank, western suburb of Haishu District. It is famous for Mr. Baiyun, who is named Wansi, one of the “eight famous people of Wan Clan”. Mr. Baiyun wrote Baiyun Collections. He was buried at Baiyunzhuang after death. In Qing Dynasty, Huang Zongxi, was a good friend of Wantai, who was the descendant of Wansi. Huang Zongxi was invited to Wan Clan residence to set up “Ningbo Witness Academy”and give lectures which were greatly respected. Therefore he signed with emotion that all his lifetime teachers and friends were in Ningbo. At that time, Baiyunzhuang had over 100 students and the people here to and fro were all learned scholars, shining marvelously in whole Ningbo city, thereafter literary customs begun to be prevalent in Ningbo.



石镜精舍Shijing Cottage


Popularity of Orthodox Knowledge :Located at Nanao Village of Qiantong Town, Shijing Cottage was established in 13th year during the reign of Hongwu Emperor of Ming Dynasty (B.C. 1380) by Tong Boli, who was the seventh-generation grandson of Tong Clan of Qiantong Town. Tong Boli was fond of reading since young, and was determined to make Qiantong Town’s children to read books at part time. Therefore, he created the cottage himself and hired Fang Xiaoru, esteemed by the court and commonalty then, to give lectures. For a period of time, Fang Xiaoru was so famous that not only children in Qiantong but also from other places of east Zhejiang province came to the cottage to learn from him.




“A Library of Books, A Port to the World”, this is the slogan of Ningbo people for their city. The slogan is started with “Shu (book)”, which is prudent and precious. There is no other place that can match this word than Tianyi Chamber。It is an ancient chamber recording the soul history of a family; the family has resisted the wind erosion of time with idealism, and is still sound after hundreds of years. Tianyi Chamber is not only the book of Ningbo, but also the soul of it.



Name of “Tianyi Chamber” originated from the phrase of “Tian Yi Sheng Shui” (the first product of heaven is water). Its implied meaning is to use water to prevent fire. As China’s existing earliest private library, Fanqin, the right minister of the Ministry of War in feudal China, spent a lot of time on it. At that time, Emperor Qianlong ordered to map and survey the style of Tianyi Chamber’s houses and bookshelf. Famous “Nan Bei Qi Ge” (seven houses in north and south) were built to collect the seven sets of “Si Ku Quan Shu” (four branches of literature). The regions in south of the Yangtze River is rainy and damp.



However, the books fears dampness and fire. Therefore a lot of dry fine sands are buried in floor tiles of the building. There is a horizontal inscribed board with written words of “Bao Shu Lou” (library of precious books). The whole room is divided into 6 case bays in form of bookshelf. There are doors in front and back of the bookshelf, and thus achieve good ventilation and prevent mildew. The down-stair and top are made in caisson forms, painted with water waves and ancient beasts, symbolizing preventing fire with fire. There is also a pond in front of the chamber which is named “Tianyi Pond” used to store water and prevent fire. Thanks to care and efforts of Fan Clan family, the chamber has had a history of over 400 years of book collection, which is really uneasy.



Tianyi Chamber is the most important chapter if you want to read Ningbo, but it is not the only chapter. Since the Song Dynasty, there have been numerous famous scholars and buildings kept emerging in Ningbo. Therefore it has profound culture of book collection.



For example, Wuguilou Building in Liangnong Town of Yuyao County, famous as “the Second Largest Library of East Zhejiang”, has as many as over 60,000 volumes of ancient books at its peak. The scale is so large that it really deserves the reputation of “No.1 Library in Core Yue Kingdom”. It was said that the master then – Huang Chengliang stored irregularly unread books into the building and permitted readers from afar to go upstairs and read the books, and also treated them with food and accommodation. Therefore, scholars from different directions gathered here from distant places. Even though it seems small from appearance, Wuguilou Building should have an important position in Ningbo’s book collection history due to its all-inclusive bosom.



Moreover, there is a small Fufu House in Xiaowen Street, which is Ningbo’s No.1 library since the Republic of China (19121949). It is serene and primitive, and stands erect even after the war. The libraries have witnessed the tradition of book collection of Ningbo, as well as literary families and impregnable chambers, all of which have contributed to the city's literary pursuits.




王应麟Wang Yinglin (1223-1296):鄞县人,号深宁居士。南宋著名学者。Person of Yin county, also namedShenningjushi. A famous scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty.


王阳明Wang Yangming(1472-1529):余姚人,字伯安,别号阳明,世称阳明先生。明代文学家、哲学家、思想家、政治家和军事家,“心学”流派的重要代表人物。Person of Yuyao, also namedBoan and yangming, known as Mr. Yangming. Litterateur,philosophy, ideologist, politician and militarist, and important representative of “heart-mind theory” school.


黄宗羲Huang Zongxi(1610-1695): 余姚人,字太冲,别号梨洲老人,世称梨洲先生。明末清初经学家、史学家、思想家、地理学家、教育家,与顾炎武、王夫之并称“明末清初三大思想家”。Person of Yuyao, also named Taichong and Lizhou Old Man, known as Mr. Lizhou. Scholar of Confucian classics, historian, ideologist, geologist, educator of late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, reputed as “the three most famous ideologists in late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty”.


全祖望Quan Zuwang(1705-1755):鄞县人,字绍衣,号谢山,世称谢山先生。清代史学家、文学家和思想家,浙东学派重要代表。Person of Yin County, also named Shaoyi and Xieshan, known as Mr. Xieshan. Historian, litterateur and ideologist of Qing Dynasty, as well as important representative of East Zhejiang School.

本文节选自《阿拉旅游》杂志2015年12月刊《书香•古今怀天下》一文。iPhone、iPad用户可在App Store搜索“阿拉旅游”下载杂志App,即可查看全文;或可登陆宁波旅游网、悦读网、中邮阅读、读览天下、博看网、蜘蛛网、好的网、锋阅网、麦米网等在线发布平台,阅览电子杂志。关注“阿拉旅游”微信公众号,在菜单栏可线上阅读微刊。





编辑:宇宙人 in《阿拉旅游》杂志


阿拉旅游 •文艺连萌|覆盖千万文艺生活实践者




