


misbehaving 英 /ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪvɪŋ/ 美 /ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪvɪŋ/ v. (使)行为不端;举止失礼,不礼貌;(机器)出现问题(misbehave 的现在分词形式)

【考法】adj.调皮的,行为不端的: engaging in or marked by childish misbehavior

【例】a new approach for disciplining a chronically misbehaving child 一个教育调皮小孩的新方法

【近】annoying, devious, errant, impish, mischievous, naughty, playful, wicked

【反】decorous, urbane 举止得体的

notoriety 英 /ˌnəʊtəˈraɪəti/ 美 /ˌnoʊtəˈraɪəti/ n. 臭名昭著,声名狼藉

【考法1】n.(尤指因为丑闻而出名的)名人: a person who is widely known and usually much talked about, especially for something bad; a notorious person

【例】a television show featuring notorieties from 20 years of scandals以二十年来因各色丑闻而出名的名人为卖点的电视节目

【近】figure, icon, luminary, megastar, name, notable, personage, standout, star, superstar

【反】n.obody, noncelebrity 不知名的人

【考法2】n.坏名声: the quality or condition of being notorious; ill fame

【例】She gained notoriety when nude photographs of her appeared in a magazine.她的裸照出现在杂志上让 她声名远播。His comment about the President has given him a notoriety that he enjoys very much.他对于


【近】infamy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium

【反】anonymity, oblivion, obscurity 不知名,默默无闻;celebrity, fame, renown, repute 好名声

tamper 英 /ˈtæmpə(r)/ 美 /ˈtæmpər/ v. 做手脚,破坏 n. 夯工,拍压的人;打夯机

【考法1】vi.恶意窜改,损害: to handle thoughtlessly, ignorantly, or mischievously

【例】tamper with tradition 坏了规矩

【近】diddle with, fiddle with, fool with, mess with

【考法2】v.玩弄: to tinker with rashly or foolishly

【例】Don't tamper with my feelings. 不要玩弄我的感情

didactic 英 /daɪˈdæktɪk/ 美 /daɪˈdæktɪk/ adj. 说教的;教诲的

【考法1】adj.喜欢说教的: designed or intended to teach

【例】Parents' speech to their kids often seems to be painfully didactic 父母对他们孩子的话都是让人痛苦的说教。

【近】homiletic, preachy, moralistic, sententious

【反】undidactic 不喜欢说教的

motley 英 /ˈmɒtli/ 美 /ˈmɑːtli/ adj. 杂色的;混杂的 n. 混杂物;(小丑的)杂色衣服

【考法1】adj.混杂的,富于变化的: (especially of colors) having elements of great variety or incongruity

【例】an arrangement of motley flowers 多种不同花束的组合

【近】assorted, chromatic, kaleidoscopic, heterogeneous, indiscriminate, magpie, piebald, variegated

【反】homogeneous, monochromatic, monotonous, unvaried 单一的,同一性的


