
Data from more than 17,000 teenagers show little evidence of a relationship between screen time and well-being in adolescents. 从17000名青少年中收集的数据显示,很少的证据表明屏幕使用时间和青少年的健康存在联系。


The study, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, casts doubt on the widely accepted notion that spending time online, gaming, or watching TV, especially before bedtime, can damage young people's mental health. 该研究发表于心理学协会出版的《心理科学杂志》,对我们普遍认同的上网、打游戏、看电视,特别是睡前做这些事,会影响青少年的心理健康提出了质疑。

"Implementing best practice statistical and methodological techniques we found little evidence for substantial negative associations between digital-screen engagement and adolescent well-being," said Amy Orben, a Researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) and College Lecturer at the Queen's College, University of Oxford. 牛津大学互联网研究所(OII)研究员,牛津女王学院讲师Amy Orben说:“通过实践最佳统计和方法技术,我们发现,很少的数据表明数字屏幕浏览率和青少年的健康呈负相关。”


"While psychological science can be a powerful tool for understanding the link between screen use and adolescent well-being, it still routinely fails to supply stakeholders and the public with high-quality, transparent, and objective investigations into growing concerns about digital technologies." OII研究主任,本研究的合著者Andrew Przybylski教授说:“尽管心理科学是了解屏幕使用和青少年心理健康联系的有力工具,但常常不能向利益相关者和公众提供高质量、透明、客观的有关人们日益关心的数字科技的调查研究。”


"Analyzing three different datasets, which include improved measurements of screen time, we found little clear-cut evidence that screen time decreases adolescent well-being, even if the use of digital technology occurs directly before bedtime," said Professor Andrew Przybylski, Director of Research at the OII and coauthor on the study. “分析三个不同的数据库,更准确地测量屏幕使用时间,我们发现,很少证据清楚地表明屏幕使用降低了青少年的健康水平,即使是睡前使用屏幕的数据也未证明。”

The research found that adolescents' total screen time per day had little impact on their mental health, both on weekends and weekdays. 研究发现,无论是周中还是周末,一天屏幕总使用时间对青少年的心理健康影响不大。


It also found that the use of digital screens 2 hours, 1 hour, or 30 minutes before bedtime didn't have clear associations with decreases in adolescent well-being, even though this is often taken as a fact by media reports and public debates. 研究还发现,睡前观看2小时,1小时,或30分钟数字屏幕和青少年健康水平下降关系不大,尽管众多媒体报道和公共争论认为两者有关。 Unlike other studies, the Oxford research analyzed data from Ireland, the US, and the UK to support its conclusions. The researchers used a rigorous methodology to gather how much time an adolescent spends on screens per day, including both self-reported measures and time-use diaries. 与其它研究不同,牛津大学的研究分析了爱尔兰、美国和英国的数据来支持自己的结论。研究人员运用严谨的方法来收集青少年每天的屏幕使用时间,包括自我报告法和时长日记。

This is important as many studies are based solely on self-reported digital technology use, even though recent work found only one third of participants give accurate accounts of how much time they spend online when asked after the fact. 这些方法十分重要,因为许多研究仅基于自我报告数字科技的使用,但在近期研究中发现,仅有三分之一的参与者在回答问题时,给出了准确的上网时间。

The researchers were also able to create a comprehensive picture of teens' well-being, examining measures of psychosocial functioning, depression symptoms, self-esteem, and mood, with data provided by both young people and their caregivers. 根据年轻人和他们监护人提供的数据,研究人员可以描绘出青少年健康的全景图,研究测量心理社会功能、抑郁症状、自尊和情绪的方法。


Additionally, the final of the three studies conducted was preregistered, meaning that the researchers publicly documented the analyses they would run before they analyzed the data. This prevents hypothesizing after the results are known, a challenge for controversial research topics. 除此之外,三项研究的最后一项已进行预先登记,意味着研究人员公开记录了在进行数据分析之前进行的分析。这避免了在知晓结果之后进行假设,是对有争议的研究话题的挑战。

"Because technologies are embedded in our social and professional lives, research concerning digital-screen use and its effects on adolescent well-being is under increasing scrutiny," said Orben. Orben说:“科技深深地镶嵌在我们的社会和工作生活中,有关数字屏幕使用以及其对青少年健康影响的研究正越来越受关注。”

"To retain influence and trust, robust and transparent research practices will need to become the norm — not the exception. We hope our approach will set a new baseline for new research on the psychological study of technology," added Przybylski. Przybylski 补充道:“为了保持影响力和信任,有力透明的研究实践应当成为常态,而不是例外。希望我们的方法能为技术心理学研究领域的新研究奠定基础。”

The insights come days ahead of the anticipated release of the UK government's new White Paper on Online Harms, which is expected to set out plans for legislation governing social media companies. 这些见解比英国政府预期发布的《新在线危害白皮书》早几天出现。在白皮书里,政府将制定管理社交媒体公司的立法计划。

This new study builds on previous work by Orben and Przybylski that used novel and transparent statistical approaches to show that technology use has a minuscule influence on adolescent well-being. 这一新研究基于Orben和Przybylski先前的研究,运用新颖透明的统计学方法,证明技术运用对青少年健康影响极少。

The study used data from Ireland, the US, and the UK. In Ireland, it covered 5,363 young people tracked under the Growing Up in Ireland project. In the US, the data covered 709 subjects of a variety of ages compiled by the United States Panel Study of Income Dynamics. And in the UK, the dataset included responses from 11,884 adolescents and their caregivers surveyed as part of the Millennium Cohort Study. 本研究的数据来自于爱尔兰、美国和英国。爱尔兰数据来自“成长”项目追踪的5363名年轻人;美国数据涵盖了美国收入动态研究小组研究编制的709名不同年龄的参与者;英国数据包括来自11,884名青少年及其照顾者的回应,是“千禧年队列研究”的一部分。


来源:Science Daily 编辑:张曦 实习生:陈湘榄

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