














保证充足的睡眠:早睡早起,保持愉快的心情,不要兴奋、 紧张、 生气, 以免增加心脏负担。

预防感冒:应避免太冷太热、 温差太大、 空气不好的环境。




有氧运动是慢性心衰病人运动康复的主要形式,可改善患者的心肺功能。心功能NYHA Ⅰ-Ⅲ级的稳定性心衰患者:可根据实际情况,选择适合自己的运动形式:散步、 太极 、 脚踏车,每周运动三到五次。


【英文版】Details of life that need attention for heart failure patients in the rehabilitation process

Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Luo Shanshan, a doctor of Anyang Daojian Hospital.

Today, I'd like to talk about the details of life that should be paid attention to in the process of rehabilitation for patients with heart failure.Chronic heart failure is a serious cardiovascular disease. In recent years, rehabilitation treatment has become an important part of the treatment of chronic heart failure. Good management of the details in daily life is conducive to the rehabilitation of the disease and improving the quality of life of patients.

Drug management

Patients with heart failure often take different kinds of drugs, and each medicine should be taken at different time.Family members or patients can put a week's medicine in the boxes and take them on time. Dosage of most drugs can't be adjusted by patients themselves, and remember don't stop the medicine suddenly.The doctor will carefully adjust the dosage according to the patient's condition, so you had better take your medication list with you when you come back.

Daily symptom observation

Weigh your weight. Weigh yourself after urination and before eating in the morning. Wear light clothes when weighing. Compare the weight with that of the day before and the previous week. The doctor should be informed of the rapid weight gain within one week.

Check for edema. Check for swelling in the legs or edema in other parts of the body every day.

Exercise tolerance should be monitored. Record the occurrence of dyspnea, the time of occurrence and the inducing factors, such as slight exertion, severe exertion or resting.

Monitor your breathing at night. Record night breathing, including whether you can sleep on your back, need two pillows or more, whether you are sitting upright or awake due to shortness of breath at night.

Pay attention to dizziness. The occurrence time, inducing factors and severity of dizziness should be recorded, such as dizziness and syncope after standing.In case of aggravation of symptoms, the doctor should be informed in time.

Diet, sleep and stool management

Pay attention to low salt, light and easy to digest diet, you are advised to take multiple meals but a small amount of each time.Sodium salt intake should be limited to less than 5 g per day.

Control fluid intake and record urine volume.

The general principle is "to measure out for in, do not drink water if you are not thirsty, and drink water until you are no longer thirsty". In the acute phase, the output is greater than the inflow, and the basic balance of the inflow and outflow is conducive to the control of heart failure. Record the amount of water you drink each time, and observe the water content of each food to calculate the water intake. The method of monitoring urine volume is to start from a fixed time every morning, such as 7:00 a.m., measure the urine volume with a measuring cup, record the value, and record all urine volume until 7:00 a.m. the next day, which is called as the 24-hour urine volume.

Keep your stool unobstructed.

Eat more crude fiber food, keep the stool unobstructed, and avoid holding your breath and exerting force. If you have no sense of defecation because of the less amount of food you have taken, you can cultivate the habit of sitting on the toilet regularly every day,thus forming a conditioned reflex to help defecation.

Get enough sleep.

Go to bed early, get up early, keep a happy mood, don't be excited, nervous, angry, so as to decrease the heart burden.

Prevent colds.

You should avoid the environment with too cold, too hot temperature, large temperature difference or bad air.

Proper exercise

The principle of exercise is that we must do exercise, but the amount and form of exercise should be decided based on our ability.

Aerobic exercise is the main form of exercise rehabilitation for patients with chronic heart failure, which can improve the cardiopulmonary function of patients. For patients with stable heart failure whose heart function is grade I - III according to New York Heart Association, they can choose their own exercise forms according to the actual situation, such as walking, Taiji, bicycle, exercise three to five times a week.

Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more about cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us. See you next time.


