
​何谓增资? What is capital increase?


According to the relevant provisions of Chapter 9 of the Company Law, the company's capital increase refers to the act of increasing its registered capital in accordance with the law in order to expand its business scale, expand its business, and increase the company's creditworthiness.



The first paragraph of Article 5 of the Regulations on the Administration of Registered Capital Registration of Companies states that "Shareholders or promoters may use money to contribute capital and may also use non-monetary property such as physical objects, intellectual property rights, and land use rights that can be valued in currency and legally transferable Funding. However, the second paragraph of Article 5 of the Regulations on the Administration of Registered Capital Registration of Companies also stipulates that shareholders or promoters shall not contribute capital at the price of labor services, credit, natural person names, goodwill, franchise rights, or properties set up as guarantees.

公司增资的类型 Types of company capital increase

类型1: 公司股东按照持股比例增资

Type 1: The company's shareholders increase their capital in proportion to their shareholding


Increasing capital in proportion to the shareholding ratio will not change the shareholding ratio of the company’s shareholders, but shareholders need to pay contributions to the company in accordance with the provisions of the company’s shareholders ’resolution. Otherwise, it is a shareholder's breach of contract, and it is necessary to bear the liability for breach of contract to shareholders who contribute capital in compliance with the resolution.


类型2: 公司股东不按照持股比例增资

Type 2: The company's shareholders do not increase capital in accordance with the shareholding ratio


If the capital is not increased according to the proportion of shares held, the proportion of shares held by the original shareholders will change. Shareholders of the company still need to convene a general meeting of shareholders to vote in accordance with the number of voters stipulated in the Articles of Association, and the equity of some shareholders will be reduced.

类型3: 利润转增资本

Type 3: Profit to capital increase


The company's after-tax profits do not directly distribute cash dividends to shareholders but are converted into the company's registered capital and distributed to shareholders in the form of shares. This approach will not increase the stock of company funds, but it will keep the company's funds from flowing out, allowing the company to use these funds for a long time. In this case, the shareholding ratio of the shareholders of the limited liability company has not changed.


类型4: 资本公积和盈余公积转增资本

Type 4: Capital reserves and surplus reserves transferred to capital


The main source of capital reserve is the company's premium transfer of equity or the issuance of shares, and the source of surplus reserve funds (statutory reserve fund and arbitrary reserve fund) is mainly the retention of company profits.


Both of these provident funds can be converted into the company's registered capital according to law. The difference is that when the statutory provident fund is converted into registered capital, it should retain not less than 25% of the company's registered capital before capital increase. This method of capital increase does not require shareholders to increase their investment in the company, nor does it increase the company's capital stock. The proportion of shareholders of a limited liability company holding company equity will not change.

类型5: 引入新股东增资扩股

Type 5: Introduce new shareholders to increase capital and share


The introduction of new shareholders to increase capital will change the number of shareholders and the proportion of shares in the company. At this time, not only the company's shareholders need a meeting resolution, but also the company's original shareholders and newly joined shareholders need to sign a capital increase agreement. The focus of the agreement is the investment price, investment method, and time limit. Some shareholders who did not participate in the capital increase, because of the decrease in their equity, need to express their abandonment of the preemptive right to purchase the company’s equity.

公司增资的基本法律流程 Basic legal process of company capital increase

步骤1: 董事会确定公司增资方案

Step 1: The board of directors determines the company's capital increase plan

步骤2: 股东会通过公司增资决议

Step 2: The shareholders' meeting passes the company's capital increase resolution

步骤3: 股东履行增资义务

Step 3: Shareholders fulfill their capital increase obligations

步骤4: 办理增资变更的工商登记

Step 4: go through business registration for capital increase change


公司增资常见的法律问题 Common legal issues of company capital increase

1. 股东对新增资本的优先认缴权问题

Shareholders' pre-emptive right for new capital.


The shareholders of a limited company are relatively fixed, and there is a close and trusting relationship between shareholders. Therefore, when a limited company increases its capital, it shall be subscribed by the shareholders of the company in accordance with regulations to protect the interests of existing shareholders.


Article 34 of the "Company Law" stipulates the shareholder's priority in subscription rights, that is, "Shareholders shall receive dividends according to their paid-in capital contributions; Contribution of capital. However, all shareholders agree not to share dividends according to the proportion of capital contribution or not to subscribe for capital contribution in priority according to the proportion of capital contribution.”


When the company increases its registered capital, shareholders have priority over non-shareholders to subscribe to the company's new capital. At the same time, shareholders enjoy increasing capital priority and dividend rights according to the paid-in proportion rather than the subscription proportion. These all reflect the encouragement and protection of the paid-in capital by the current company legislation, after all, only the actual capital contribution is the actual basis of the company's operations.


2. 原股东放弃优先认缴权问题

The original shareholder waived the pre-emptive right


Article 34 of the Company Law stipulates that when a company adds capital, shareholders have the right to subscribe for the capital contribution in accordance with the actual capital contribution ratio. The regulation shows that when there is no agreement by all shareholders, when a limited liability company adds new capital, the shareholders' right to subscribe for capital contributions and the scope of exercise of this right are limited to the contributed capital contribution ratio. If it exceeds the statutory scope, it can only be handled according to the agreement of all shareholders.


Combining with the provisions of Article 71 of the Company Law, when shareholders transfer shares, other shareholders have the preemptive right to purchase. It can be considered that the shareholders give up the right to subscribe for new shares, and the introduction of new shareholders is equivalent to the transfer of shares, so the remaining shareholders should enjoy the preemptive right to purchase.


3. 股份稀释和股权比例变化,导致控制权转移问题

Decline of share ratio and change of share ratio lead to transfer of control


A company increases its capital to absorb other funds. From the perspective of a certain shareholder, its shareholding ratio declines. When the company's capital increase exceeds a certain level, the original shareholders who increase the registered capital accumulatively hold it, or when a single new shareholder holds more than 50% of the company's registered capital at a time, the company's control power is bound to be transferred to the shareholder, resulting in the company's control right transfer.

4. 大股东与小股东的利益冲突问题

Conflict of interests between major shareholders and minority shareholders


When the company increases its capital, the major shareholders and the small shareholders have different capital increase intentions and capital increase capabilities. When voting on the company's capital increase, if the major shareholders abuse their voting rights, the rights of the small shareholders will be violated to a certain extent. If the minority shareholders are unwilling to increase the company's capital, and when the shareholders' meeting votes on the capital increase, the major shareholders pass the resolution in an absolute proportion, the minority shareholders will passively accept the consequences of the dilution of the shares.


5. 新增资本影响股东权益的问题

The issue of newly added capital affecting shareholders' equity


After a long period of operation, the company may generate a large amount of surplus reserves, capital reserves or undistributed profits. At this time, the net assets are already much higher than the company's original capital. Or the company may also generate a lot of liabilities, and the net assets are already below its original capital and may even be insolvent.


For the above reasons, a reasonable way to increase capital should first be a comprehensive evaluation of the company’s existing assets to determine the true value of shareholders’ equity and on this basis, determining the shareholding ratio of the original shareholders and new shareholders. When increasing the capital, if the company's value is evaluated too low, it will damage the rights and interests of the original shareholders. On the contrary, it will cause the original shareholders to unreasonably occupy the capital interests of the new shareholders.



To study the company's capital increase, the concept of capital must be clarified. The capital here should refer to the capital contribution of the company's shareholders. Shareholder contribution refers to the shareholders ’delivery of property or other payment obligations to the company in accordance with the agreement and the provisions of laws and regulations in order to obtain shares or equity when a company establishes or increases capital.


The second paragraph of Article 3 of the Company Law stipulates that the shareholders of a limited liability company shall be liable to the company within the limit of the amount of capital contributed by them; therefore, the capital contributed by shareholders shall be the basis for their responsibility to the company.


