
本集内容Virtual safari “云游” 非洲野生动物区学习要点有关 “broadcasting(播放节目)” 的词汇边看边答Which part of the African wilderness is this virtual safari broadcasting from?文字稿On the edge of the vast Kalahari Desert, dawn has lured a group of meerkats out of their burrow, to warm themselves in the winter sun - some more focused on the task than others. ,我来为大家科普一下关于世界野生动物天堂?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



本集内容Virtual safari “云游” 非洲野生动物区学习要点有关 “broadcasting(播放节目)” 的词汇边看边答Which part of the African wilderness is this virtual safari broadcasting from?文字稿On the edge of the vast Kalahari Desert, dawn has lured a group of meerkats out of their burrow, to warm themselves in the winter sun - some more focused on the task than others.

Little do they know, or presumably care, but their morning ritual is being broadcast around the world - live – with a commentary from a safari guide.在辽阔的卡拉哈里沙漠边缘,黎明的曙光把一群狐獴从洞穴中引了出来,在冬日的阳光下取暖。有的狐獴全神贯注,有的则心不在焉。但这些狐獴不知道,可能也不在乎,它们的这些晨间习惯正在向全世界现场直播——旁边还有一名野生动物的向导在进行评论。“Good morning from a beautiful Kalahari morning.”“早上好,我们在美丽的卡拉哈里清晨,向大家问好。”In distant Essex (in the UK), the Mills family are home.在遥远的英国埃塞克斯郡,米尔斯一家呆在家中。Transported from the tedium of lockdown to the African wilderness.这个节目把一家人从封锁期间的单调生活中带到了非洲的荒野。Lisa Mills, mother… I love the sounds of the bush – it’s relaxing. And it’s something that we can all do together. It does feel as though you could be there with them.丽莎·米尔斯 母亲“我喜爱非洲荒野的声音,它能让人放松。而且观看直播是我们全家能一起做的事情。它能给我们一种身临其境的感觉。”Nothing can beat watching these animals up close like this, but perhaps virtual safaris are the future.

During the lockdowns in particular, the number of people watching these animals live, online, on the internet, has risen fivefold.没有什么能比得上像这样近距离地观察这些动物,但也许 “云游” 野生动物区才是未来。特别是在新冠疫情封锁期间,通过现场直播及在线观看这些动物的人数增加了五倍。Instead of crowds of tourists, there are a handful of film crews - and it seems like the animals have noticed the difference.这里没有成群结队的游客,只有几个摄制组的工作人员,而动物们似乎也已经注意到了这个变化。But can this last? Will our appetite for travel return? Or could virtual become the new normal?但这个现状能持续下去吗?我们会重燃旅行的欲望吗?还是说虚拟旅行能成为新的常态?Graham Wallington, CEO, WildEarthI think that virtual tourism in general is definitely part of the future.

I think that it is a critical way for us to be able to share our natural heritage with everybody, without damaging that which we love and care about.格雷厄姆·沃灵顿 WildEarth 公司首席执行官“我认为虚拟旅游无疑是未来旅行的一部分。我认为,这是让我们能与大家分享自然遗产的一个重要方式,这个方式不会破坏我们所热爱和关心的自然遗产。”Time to track down more wildlife for today's second live performance, before an adoring online audience.是时候去追踪更多的野生动物了,这是今天的第二场直播演出,为热爱野生动物的网络观众播出。And when you're stuck inside all this time, does it allow you to feel almost like you're going outdoors?“当你一直被困在家中时,观看这类节目能不能让你感觉像是在户外?”ChildYes.孩子“能。”To explore the world a bit?“带你探索一下这个世界?”ChildYeah but you can't smell anything!孩子“是的,但是闻不到任何气味!”That's very true!“这倒是说得对!”No smell - technology and the internet still have their limits.不能传播气味——技术和互联网仍然有它们的局限性。词汇live 现场直播的commentary (广播或电视的)评论,解说performance 表演audience 观众technology 技术问题答案This virtual safari is taking place in the Kalahari Desert.


