
  1. 对漫画内容简单描述;
  2. 阐述漫画的背后含义;
  3. 给出你的评论。



As is unfolded in the cartoon above, in front of a knocked-over bottle of water with most water flowing out stand two men. One man, looking rather upset, says “There is nothing left. How unlucky I am!”, while the other one quickly picks up the bottle, saying “I am such a lucky dog, and there is still some left”. How vivid the cartoon is! The two men show quite different attitudes toward the same situation.

  Without any doubt, the purpose of the cartoon is to show us that we should keep optimistic no matter what circumstances we undergo. First and foremost, it is universally held that life is by no means perfect and in the course of life we are bound to experience and encounter a variety of difficulties. In order to achieve our goal, we should tackle the obstacles positively rather than in a negative way. In the second place, according to some research findings, a positive attitude does good to our life in that it will assist us in solving the tough issues.

  From what has been argued above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that we should embrace attitudes and behave confidently. Only in this way can we solve the issues confronting us successfully.


