


This female-led reboot attracted criticism well before the film was even made–with its co-writer Kate Dippold telling The Telegraph that “They said it was the worst movie ever before I’d written a word.”When the original film came out 32 years ago, it too was poorly received and only became a cult hit over time. As BBC Culture’s critic Nicholas Barber argues, “the fans who insist that the Ghostbusters should be male have misunderstood the classic comedy they claim to revere”. The characters “were a different breed of hero…out-of-shape academics in crumpled, slime-smeared jumpsuits”.这部以女性为主导的翻拍电影在开拍前就饱受诟病,联合编剧凯特•迪波尔特对《每日电讯报》透露道,“在我还没开始写之前,人们就说这是一部最糟糕的电影。”32年前,《捉鬼敢死队》第一部问世,当时影片反响冷淡,多年来也仅受到非主流一族的追捧。英国广播公司文化评论家尼古拉斯•巴伯说道,“有粉丝坚持认为捉鬼敢死队成员应为男性,这本身就是对他们宣称自己推崇的这部经典喜剧电影的一种误解”。这些人物“是一种另类英雄……这些学者体型走样,穿着皱巴巴,黏糊糊,脏兮兮的连体裤”。

This time around, the academics in jumpsuits are played by Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones; there are cameos from original cast members including Sigourney Weaver, Dan Ackroyd and Bill Murray. Director Paul Feig once again teams up with McCarthy and Wiig after his 2011 hit Bridesmaids, and addressing the backlash, he has said:“I think the cast is so good, and they can stand in the footsteps of who came before.” On general release from 12 July.这一次,梅丽莎•麦卡西,克里斯汀•韦格,凯特•迈克金农和莱斯利•琼斯扮演穿着连体裤的学者;有一些配角来自于原班人马,包括西格妮•韦弗,丹•艾克洛伊德和比尔•默里。保罗•费格导演了2011年风靡一时的电影《最爆伴娘团》,在这以后他再次和麦卡西和韦格联手,他对质疑声作出了反击,说道:“我认为演员阵容极佳,她们能够追上前辈们的脚步。”七月十二号全面上映。


Café Society《咖啡公社》

Woody Allen’s latest feature opened the 2016 Cannes Film Festival to mixed reviews–but drew praise for its performances. Set in the 1930s, it stars Jesse Eisenberg as a New Yorker who moves to LA and falls for his uncle’s secretary (Kristen Stewart). According to BBC Culture’s critic Nicholas Barber,“ Stewart has the glow of a bona fide 1930s bombshell while retaining her characteristically sheepish, down-to-earth persona”, while“Eisenberg is one of the most natural of Woody proxies”.伍迪•艾伦的新作作为开幕片为2016年戛纳电影节揭幕,收到的评论褒贬不一,但其表演却大受好评。故事背景是在上世纪30年代的纽约,主演杰西•艾森伯格饰演一个搬到洛杉矶的纽约人,他爱上了叔叔的秘书(克里斯汀•斯图尔特饰)。英国广播公司文化评论家尼古拉斯•巴伯说道,“斯图尔特浑身上下都散发着上世纪30年代性感尤物的光辉,从她身上可以看出那个年代羞怯和朴实的人物形象”,而“艾森伯格是伍迪镜头下最自然的角色之一”。

The Times calls him “an Allen mini-me, an Allen avatar. From his hunched, put-upon shoulders to his nervous, rapid-fire delivery, Eisenberg gives us vintage Woody”. Despite being criticised for not matching the director’s best works, the film was described as “gentle, whimsical and sumptuously shot” by The Independent, which claims that “even if Allen’s energy levels may be dipping, he still knows just how to mix the comedy and the pathos.”Released 14 July in Thailand, 15 July in the US and 21 July in Russia.《泰晤士报》称他为“迷你版的艾伦,艾伦的化身。从他蜷缩的,饱受摧残的肩膀到他紧张的,快速的演讲,艾森伯格带给我们一个最棒的伍迪”。尽管有批评说道,这部影片比不上导演最佳的作品,它仍被《独立报》评价是一部“文雅,异想天开,奢华的影片”,宣称“尽管伍迪随着年龄增大,身体状况可能不如从前,但他仍然懂得如何将悲痛穿插在喜剧之中。”本片七月十四日在泰国上映,七月十五日在美国上映,七月二十一日在俄罗斯上映。


Tale of Tales《故事的故事》

“Once upon a time there were three neighbouring kingdoms each with a magnificent castle, from which ruled kings and queens, princes and princesses. One king was a fornicating libertine, another captivated by a strange animal, while one of the queens was obsessed by her wish for a child.”The billing for Tale of Tales gives a clue as to the timbre of a film populated by “sorcerers and fairies, fearsome monsters, ogres and old washerwomen, acrobats and courtesans” –played by a strong ensemble cast that includes Salma Hayek, John C Reilly, Toby Jones and Vincent Cassel.“从前,有三个邻国,每一个王国都有一座富丽堂皇的城堡,受国王王后,王子公主的统治。一位国王是与人私通的浪荡子,另一位国王被一种奇怪的动物所迷惑,还有一位王后迫切地想要个孩子。”《故事的故事》演员表给我们提供了线索,从影片的音色中可以判断出人物众多,包括萨尔玛•海耶克,约翰•瑞里,托比•琼斯和文森特•卡塞尔在内的强大的演员阵容饰演了“巫师和仙女,可怕的怪物,食人魔和年老的洗衣女工,杂技演员和交际花。”

A loose interpretation of the tales of the Italian poet Giambattista Basile, it’s a worthy addition to the recent glut of fairy tale films: BBC Culture’s Rebecca Laurence believes it presents a fresh angle. According to The Times, “The adult fairytale is a freakish, hybrid, disturbing creature, mostly forgotten in these days of Disney sanitisation, but Tale of Tales resurrects the genre with surreal humour and gothic horror.” Released 3 July in Germany, 6 July in Switzerland and 28 July in New Zealand.意大利诗人吉姆巴地斯达•巴西耳对此发表了极具包容性的见解,尽管最近童话类电影市场饱和、供过于求,但这部影片的仍有上映价值:英国广播公司文化部的丽贝卡•劳伦斯认为这部影片代表了一种全新的角度。据英国《泰晤士报》报道,“成人童话是异想天开的,混合多种因素的,令人烦扰的,对童话的多数记忆都停留在迪士尼时期,但《故事的故事》运用超现实主义的幽默和哥特式的恐怖使这种艺术类型得以复兴。”本片七月三日在德国上映,七月六日在瑞士上映,七月二十八在新西兰上映。


Toni Erdmann《托尼•厄德曼》

“Based on a really brilliant script, you have a comedy of manners and of family life at the same time–and then it is brilliantly acted,” Verena Leuken of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung told BBC Culture’s editor Matthew Anderson at the Cannes Film Festival, where Toni Erdmann was one of the favourites to win the Palme d’Or. At its first press screening in Cannes, the film was greeted by critics with laughter and spontaneous applause, and it’s since been showered with five-star reviews.《法兰克福汇报》的维丽娜•露文肯在戛纳电影节上向英国广播公司文化部的编辑马修•安德森说道,“电影的剧本很棒,这既是一部风尚喜剧,也涉及家庭生活——这也就成就了一部优秀的影片”,《托尼•厄德曼》作为最受欢迎的影片之一赢得了金棕榈奖。这部影片在戛纳初登荧屏之时,批评家就对其报以欢快的笑声和自发的掌声,从此以后这部影片一直沐浴着五星级影评的光辉。

Telling the story of a father (Peter Simonischek) who disguises himself as a‘life coach’to get closer to his daughter (Sandra Hüller), a busy corporate strategist, it’s the third feature in 13 years from German writer-director Maren Ade.故事讲述的是一位父亲(皮特•西蒙尼谢克饰)伪装成一位人生导师去接近他的女儿(桑德拉•乌勒饰),他的女儿是一位忙碌的企业战略家,这是德国编导马伦•艾达十三年中拍摄的第三部故事片。

Time Out praised it for a“sly evocation of the absurdities and banalities of modern life”, while The Telegraph said that“The film’s sweetness and bitterness are held so perfectly in balance, and realised with such sinew-stiffening intensity, that watching it feels like a three-hour sports massage for your heart and soul.”There is plenty to provoke thoughts among the laughs, too.“It has some serious things to say about family dynamics, about the pressures that professional women face, and how working too much can hollow us out,” says Anderson. Released 14 July in Germany, 15 July in Austria and 21 July in Switzerland.Time Out称其“淘气得唤起了现代生活中的谬论和陈腐”,而《每日电讯报》评论“这部影片很好地平衡了甜蜜与苦涩,实现了环环相扣的紧张情节,看这部电影给你带来的精神上的冲击与看一场三小时的体育运动别无二致。”在欢笑声中也引起来许多思考。安德森说:“这部影片有其严肃之处,讲述了如何维持家庭活力,职业女性承担的压力以及过量的工作是如何将我们压垮。”七月十四日在德国上映,七月十五日在奥地利上映,七月二十一日在瑞士上映。


Absolutely Fabulous《荒唐阿姨》

One of the first comedies to skewer our current celebrity culture, Absolutely Fabulous emerged as a sketch on the show French & Saunders before becoming one of the most successful sitcoms of the 1990s. Some have argued it was best left in that decade–and writer and actor Jennifer Saunders, who stars as Edina alongside Joanna Lumley as Patsy, admits the media landscape has changed.“It is a different beast”, Saunders told The Independent.“The idea of PR now is that anyone can do it. Anyone can review a film, anyone can get their stuff online, so it is a very different world.”《荒唐阿姨》是首批讽刺时下名流文化的喜剧之一,最初出现在电视剧《弗兰奇和桑德斯》中,当时只是一部滑稽短剧,之后《荒唐阿姨》便成为上世纪九十年代最成功的情景喜剧之一。一些人说这是那个年代最成功的影片——作者兼演员詹妮弗•桑德斯饰演埃迪娜,而乔安娜•拉姆利则饰演帕琪。桑德斯承认媒体格局已经发生了变化。“这和以前不同了”,桑德斯告诉《独立报》。“现在任何人都可以做公关。任何人都可以评论电影,任何人都可以从网上得到他们想要的东西,因此这是一个非常不同的世界。”

Yet despite that, she believes they have created a story that is relevant today.“I think the film reflects the fact that Patsy and Eddy don’t survive so well in that world because they're not in control of it anymore.” The film has more than 60 cameos, including Rebel Wilson, Jon Hamm, Joan Collins, Barry Humphries, and Kate Moss–according to Saunders, the only person to turn down a role was Barack Obama. On general release from 1 July. (Credit: David Appleby)但是尽管如此,她仍相信他们创作了一个与现今密切相关的故事。“我认为这部影片反映了一个事实,帕齐和艾迪不能在那个世界中生活的很好,因为她们不再能够控制自己的命运。”这部电影有60多个配角,包括瑞贝尔•威尔森,乔•汉姆,琼•考林斯,巴里•汉弗莱斯和凯特•摩丝——据桑德斯所说,贝拉克•奥巴马是唯一拒绝出演的人。七月一日全面上映。


The Commune《公社》

Thomas Vinterberg (The Hunt, Far From the Madding Crowd) co-founded the Dogme 95 film collective with Nymphomaniac director Lars von Trier, a movement he has compared to a commune. Vinterberg spent part of his childhood in a co-operative household, memories of which form the basis for his latest film.托马斯•温特伯格(电影《狩猎》和《远离尘嚣》的导演)和 《女性瘾者》的导演拉尔斯•冯•特里尔联合发起一场名叫道格玛95的电影运动,他将这场电影运动比作一个公社。托马斯•温特伯格童年时期中一段时间生活在社区,他的最新一部电影的素材就是基于这段时期的经历。

Set in 1970s Copenhagen, the Commune follows married couple Anna (Trine Dyrholm) and Erik (Ulrich Thomsen) as they experiment with collective living in the house Erik inherited from his father. The Guardian praised Dyrholm for her“emotional and intensely focused lead performance”, while Sight and Sound called it“his finest since Festen…more authentic than many of its predecessors”, and argued:“Vinterberg resists the temptation to dismiss the 70s commune experiment as naive, misguided or doomed to failure: while it may not have worked out perfectly for all who tried it, many, he suggests, found it rewardingly supportive and worthwhile.”


Released 15 July in Sweden, 29 July in the UK and 19 August in Poland.本片七月十五日在瑞典上映,七月二十九日在英国上映,八月十九日在波兰上映。


Star Trek Beyond《星际迷航:超越星辰》

The third instalment of another rebooted franchise stars Chris Pine as Captain Kirk and Zachary Quinto as Spock, described by The Telegraph as“an emotional shape-shifter, the charmer who might also be dangerous–or the implacably stoic half-Vulcan who’s somehow an amazing friend”. Zoe Saldana (Uhura) co-stars alongside Anton Yelchin (Chekov), in what was to be his one of his final roles–tributes have been paid to the 27-year-old actor, who died after he was pinned against a wall by his car.《星际迷航》系列电影的第三部,由克里斯•派恩饰演柯克舰长,扎克瑞•昆图饰演史波克,《每日电讯报》称其为“情感丰富的变形者,当然可爱的人也可能是具有危险性的,而极其坚忍的半人伏尔甘有时也会是很好的朋友。”这部电影的联合主演还有佐伊•索尔达娜(饰乌胡拉)和安东•尤金(饰契诃夫),安东•尤金因车祸离世,年仅27岁,这部电影也是向他人生最后的角色之一致敬。

In May, the film’s cast mourned the loss of Leonard Nimoy, as Quinto said“In a way I feel like he’s almost more a part of this film than he was of the other two. We were all so cognizant of his absence.”5月份公布的电影演员表里也少了伦纳德•尼莫伊,正如昆图所说:“某种程度上我觉得他在这部电影中的分量并不逊色于其他两部电影,这也让我们清楚地认识到他现在已经不在了。

On general release from 19 July.七月十九日全面上映。


Swiss Army Man《瑞士军人》

Described as“the strangest Sundance film ever”, Swiss Army Man divided critics when it premiered at the film festival in January. Paul Dano (Love & Mercy) plays a man stranded on a desert island; Daniel Radcliffe (The Woman in Black, Harry Potter) is a farting corpse who washes up on shore. The two become friends in what is billed as“a gonzo buddy comedy”, an improbable story that is“proudly scatological”, according to Slate.被冠以“史上最奇怪的圣丹斯电影”的称号,《瑞士军人》在一月份电影节上首次公演获得的影评褒贬不一。保罗•达诺(作品《爱与慈悲》)饰演一位被困在荒岛上的男人;丹尼尔•拉德克利夫(作品《黑衣女人》,《哈利•波特》)饰演一具被冲上海岸的还臭屁不断的尸体。这部电影被宣传为“一部怪诞兄弟类喜剧片”,两位主演在电影中成为了好友,就像斯莱特所说,这个看起来天方夜谭的故事“以粗俗为亮点”。

“The tale of a marooned castaway and the friendly cadaver who nurses him back to health, Swiss Army Man opens as a desert-island fantasy and morphs into a disturbingly intimate buddy movie–hilarious, deranged, and always alive with possibility.”It’s the feature film debut of music video directors Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan, who manage to“create something improbably beautiful out of what could have been a feature-length fart joke”. Released 1 July in the US, 14 July in Australia and 22 July in Estonia.“故事讲述了一个人漂流到荒岛孤立无援,得到了一具亡灵仍存且待人友好的尸体的照顾,《瑞士军人》起初以荒岛幻想为主要基调,然后转变成了一部亲密的兄弟电影——这部电影搞笑疯狂,而且充满各种可能。”这部剧情片是音乐视频片导演丹尼尔•斯切乃特和丹尼尔•关坤的处女作,他们“创造出一些不太可能会发生的美好的事情,从中引起了一段长篇囧事”。七月一日在美国上映,七月十四日在澳大利亚上映,七月二十二日在爱沙尼亚上映。


Our Kind of Traitor《我们这种叛徒》

Ewan McGregor and Naomie Harris star in the latest John le Carré adaptation, produced by Simon and Stephen Cornwell, le Carré’s sons, who also made The Night Manager. The screenplay was written by Hossein Amini (Wings of a Dove, Drive), who is praised by The Evening Standard for making“highly incisive and effective revisions”to le Carré’s 2010 novel:“This is a new, wholly contemporary le Carré film, sumptuously paced and produced, taking in many striking settings, miles away from the drabness so stylishly cultivated in Tomas Alfredson’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy of 2011”. Stellan Skarsgård and Damian Lewis co-star as a Russian criminal and MI6 man; according to Entertainment Weekly,“Skarsgård saves it; wild and funny and ferociously alive, he’s a crucial bolt of color in all that tasteful gray.”Released 1 July in the US, 7 July in Germany and 21 July in Brazil.伊万•麦格雷戈和娜奥米•哈里斯主演了由约翰•勒•卡雷最新改编的电影,勒•卡雷的儿子西蒙•康奈尔和史蒂芬•康奈尔担任制片人,他们也曾制作过《夜班经理》。电影剧本由霍辛•阿米尼(作品《鸽之翼》、《亡命驾驶》)编写,《标准晚报》称赞其对勒•卡雷2010年的小说作出了“高度精准的生动改编”。报上评论说“这是一部崭新的、充满现代气息的卡雷式电影,鸿篇巨制、场景浩繁,摆脱了枯燥无味,巧妙地吸收了2011年托马斯•阿尔弗莱德森拍摄的《间谍疑云》的精华”。斯特兰•斯卡斯加德和戴米恩•路易斯联合主演了俄罗斯罪犯及军情六处特工。据《娱乐周刊》报道,“斯卡斯加德以狂野豪放又生动有趣的方式演活了这部电影,是这部电影引人玩味的灰色基调中的重要一环”。七月一日在美国上映,七月七日在德国上映,七月二十一日在巴西上映。



