
Earliest known(定语修饰skull) skull(头盖骨) of Homo erectus(直立人) (省略了was)unearthed(发掘) by Australian-led(澳大利亚领导的) team,今天小编就来聊一聊关于上个世纪的奇怪儿童?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



Earliest known(定语修饰skull) skull(头盖骨) of Homo erectus(直立人) (省略了was)unearthed(发掘) by Australian-led(澳大利亚领导的) team


●earliest adj.(early 的最高级)最早的;

●known adj.已知的;

●skull n.颅骨;头颅;

● Homo n.人属(灵长目人科的一属,包括早期和 现代人);

homo erectus 直立人,直立猿人,早期人类;

●unearth v.挖掘出土;

un- 使相反;

earth 土,土中;

●Australian-led adj.澳大利亚领导的;

sb.-led 由……带头的,由……领导的;

虚拟词-led 由……决定的,受……影响的;

▶ a market-led economy 一种市场主导的经济模式; sth.-specific 指定……的,特定……的;

sex-specific 特定性别的;

market-specific 特定市场的;

The earliest known skull of Homo erectus has been unearthed by an Australian-led team of researchers who have dated(推断……年代) the fossil(头盖骨化石) at two million years old(在200万岁的时候), showing the first of our ancestors(祖先) existed(存在的,修饰ancestors) up to(达到) 200,000 years earlier than previously thought. The lead researcher Prof(professor) Andy Herries said the skull was pieced together(拼凑) from more than 150 fragments(碎片) uncovered(发现) at the Drimolen Main Quarry(采石场), located about 40km north of Johannesburg in South Africa. It was likely aged(长岁数) between two and three years old when it died.

●have been done (现在完成时被动语态,强调对现在的影响)表示一个已完 成的被动动作;

The moon has been visited by human being already. 月亮已经被人类访问过 了。

have been doing (现在完成进行时)强调从过去某一时间到现在为止的一 段时间内一直进行或反复多次发生的动作;

▶ He has been working in that school for five years. 他在这学校工作五年了。

●date v.推断……的年代;

date from 追溯到;始于;起源于;

n.日期; ▶ What's the date today? 今天是几号?

n.约会; ▶ have a date with sb. 与谁约会;

v.约会; ▶ date sb. out 约某人出去;

●ancestor n.先祖;

●exist v.存在;

● up to 到达(时间节点);

●previously adv.以前地,先前地;

previously on ……的前情提要;

●Prof abbr.(professor)教授;

a college Prof = a college professor;

●pieced together 拼凑;拼合;

piece together a jigsaw 拼合拼图;

● fragment n.碎片,破片;

fragments of glass 玻璃碎片;

fragments of conversation (比喻)谈话花絮;

●uncover v.发现;揭露;揭发;

●quarry n.采石场,矿场;

●age v.长岁数,显老;

You look fantastic, you haven’t aged a day. 你看起来好美,一点都不显老。

参考翻译:目前已知最早的直立人头骨是由澳大利亚领导的一个研 究小组发掘出来的,他们推断该化石的历史可以追溯到 200 万年前, 这表明我们的始祖(直立人猿)的存在比之前认为的要早 20 万年。 首席研究员安迪·赫里斯教授表示,这具头骨是从南非约翰内斯堡 以北 40 公里处的德里默伦主采石场发现的 150 多块碎片拼凑而成 的。它死亡的年龄可能在 2 到 3 岁之间。

Herries, a geochronologist(地球年代学家) and head of archaeology(考古学) at Melbourne’s La Trobe University, said he “could not stress how rare it is” (双引号内引用的原话)to find find(同词重复,表示强调) enough fragments to piece together an intact(完整的) brain case(外壳), especially given(prep.鉴于) juvenile(少年的) skulls are thin and fragile(易碎的). “At this age they are so susceptible(易受影响的) to damage,” he said. “It’s so exciting, because our fascination(着迷) with human evolution(进化) is because it’s the story of us, and when we go back(回溯) this far(遥远的) with a discovery like this, it’s the story of every person living on the planet.”

●geochronologist n.地球年代学家;

geochronology n.地质年代学;

●archaeology n.考古学;

-logy 表示一门学科;

●rare adj.稀有的,罕见的;

● intact adj.完整的;原封不动的;未受损伤的;

● case n.容器,外壳;

a pencil case 铅笔盒;

a jewellery case 首饰盒;

a packing case 包装箱;

brain case 脑壳;

●given prep.考虑到;鉴于;

Given his age, he's remarkably active. 考虑到他的年龄,他已是相当活跃的了。

●juvenile adj.少年的;未成年的;

juven- 年轻;

●fragile adj.脆的,易碎的;

●susceptible adj.易受影响的,易受影响(或伤 害等);

●fascination n.魅力;

fascination with/for sb./sth. 对……入迷,着迷;

●evolution n.发展,演化;

e- 向上的;

-volut 卷曲;

Darwin’s theory of evolution 达尔文的进化论;

●go back far 回到遥远的地方;

Go back far enough, and everyone moved somewhere from somewhere else. 回溯至够远的话,每个人都是从一 个地方移到别的地方。

参考翻译:墨尔本拉筹伯大学的地质年代学家兼考古学负责人赫里 斯说,无法形容找到足够的碎片来拼凑出完整的脑壳是多么的罕见, 尤其还考虑到幼年时期的头骨又薄又脆。他说,“在这个年龄,它 们(头骨碎片)很容易受到损害。“这是如此令人兴奋,因为我们 对人类进化的着迷是因为这是关乎我们人类的故事,当我们带着这样的发现回溯至遥远的过去,那就是地球上每个人的(演化)故事。

“The group this two or three-year-old(这样一组2或3岁的头骨) was a part of (……的一部分)could have been the origin(起源) of everyone alive(活着的) today.” He said while(尽管;让步状语) there was a lot of disagreement of opinion in the field of archaeology and human evolution, one of the reasons Homo erectus is significant(重大的,有意义的) is because everyone agreed: “This is the beginning of us, this is the beginning of our genus.”

●could have done (对已经发生动作或已经存 在的状态作出主观上的猜测)可能已经……;


▶ It’s difficult enough, but it could have been worse. 这事情够困难的了,本来可能会更糟呢。

●origin n.起源;

the origins of life on earth 地球上生命的起源;

●alive adj.活着的(后置定语);

● while conj.虽然,尽管(表让步,后跟让步状 语从句);

●disagreement n.不一致,争论;

dis- 不;非;相反;相对;

▶ dishonest adj.不诚实的;

▶ disadvantage n.不利条件;

▶ disappear v.消失;

● one of the reasons ……的原因之一;

参考翻译:“这组两岁或三岁的孩子可能是今天每个人的起源。” 他说,尽管在考古学和人类进化领域存在很多意见分歧,但直立人之所以重要的原因之一是,每个人都认同(这样的观点):“这是我们的起始,这是我们人类的起源。”

英语表达强调手段的方式:1、强调句型:it’s 被强调的部分 who/that 句子的其它部分。2、用助动词do对谓语动词进行强调。3、同词重复。同词重复是指在英语修辞方法中使用同类词、同义词的重复来加强语气的一种常见方法。这种方法显得更为简单、直接。在运用过程中,各种词类的同词重复并不改变句子的句法功能,只是加强语气。这种修辞方法也叫叠词修辞。同单词重复,名词最为常见,形容词、动词和副词也较为常用。

1. He tried and tried again,but failed at last. 他反复地试了一遍又一遍,最终还是失败了。

2. The weather is getting hotter and hotter. 天气越来越热了。


