


原因倒是简单,一名大一新生在教室捡到个iPad pro,根据内语言设置为英文判断失主可能是外国留学生,于是写了中英双语的失物招领,在校内线上线下发布。








他说,自己是一名男生,这是他第一次捡到东西,也认为iPad Pro对学生来说是一笔不小的财产,寻找失主是举手之劳。




其中提到的“猎巫行动”,英语叫witch-hunt ,是对被指控维持危害社会政见者的不公正的“搜捕”,一种对异见群体的“政Zhi迫害”,含有贬义色彩。









Museums ‘best place to lose wallets’

The Telegraph

Researchers found almost half of wallets misplaced at cultural centres were retrieved by their owners.


专八misplace:/ˌmɪsˈpleɪs/随意搁置;乱放而一时记不起,找不到to lose something temporarily by forgetting where you have put it【例句】Oh dear, I seem to have misplaced my keys .哎呀,我好像忘了把钥匙落在什么地方了。【近义辨析】misplace, lose, miss都有“丢失,遗失”的意思,但有所区别:misplace: 指反映东西放错或故意放错地方。lose: 最普通用词,侧重遗失了难以找回来。miss: 着重发觉某人或某物不见的瞬间,也可作思念解。 考研 托福 SAT 专八 GREretrieve /rɪˈtriːv/①找回;收回,取回to find something and bring it back【搭配】retrieve sth from sth【例句】 It took four days to retrieve all the bodies from the crash.花了四天时间才找回所有遇难者的尸体。【近义表达】recover②检索(储存于计算机的信息)to get back information that has been stored in the memory of a computer 【例句】Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits.计算机可以立即检索到数百万条信息。③挽回局面retrieve a situation)to make a situation satisfactory again after there has been a serious mistake or problem 【例句】xioayu is the one who could retrieve that situation.小宇是唯一能挽回局面的人。【词源】来自古法语 retreuver, 索回,找到。re-, 再,重新;trouver, 找寻,找到。后有引申词义“检索数据”。

The social experiment, carried out across five British cities, found that a third of wallets dropped in shopping centres were also returned.


拓展学习-英语的分数如何表达?①分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子大于1时,分母要加s【比如】a/one sixth = 1/6;two thirds = 2/3;three fifths = 3/5②分数作主语,谓语动词的单复数由分数后所跟名词的可数性和单复性决定【例句1】Two thirds of the land is covered with water. 三分之二的陆地被水覆盖着。【例句2】One fifth of the apples have gone bad. 五分之一的苹果都坏了。【小宇说】还有几点注意:①1/2 通常读作 a/one half,一般不读作a second。②1/4 可读作 a/one fourth,也可读作 a/one quarter。③分子超过“1”分母之所以用复数可以这样理解:“三分之二”即两个(two)三分之一(third),既然是两个“三分之一”,那“三分之一”当然要用复数,即用thirds。④在数学上,为了简洁起见,分子和分母均可用基数词,其间用介词over:3/4 读作three over four(对于比较复杂的分数通常采用此读法)⑤带分数的读法:在整数与分数之间用and连接:five and two thirds

But not a single wallet dropped in cafés or public transport washanded in.


四级 六级 考研hand in ①上交(作业、拾到的失物等)If you hand in something such as homework or something that you have found, you give it to a teacher, police officer, or other person in authority【例句】Did you hand your homework in on time?你准时交家庭作业了吗?②提出,递交(辞呈) If you hand in your notice or resignation, you tell your employer, in speech or in writing, that you no longer wish to work for them【例句】xioayu has handed in her resignation.小宇已提交辞职信。【近义表达】handover,turn in,present

Researchers dropped 100 wallets at various locations in London,Birmingham,Glasgow,Cardiff and Leeds,with each one containing £10 cash, a photograph, receipts, stamps and contact details for their owners.


拓展词汇contact details:联系方式a telephone number or address where someone can be found if necessary【例句】If you are babysitting, make sure you have a contact number for the parents.如果你临时给人看孩子,一定要有家长的联系电话。【近义表达】contact information,contact number/address

They found one in every five wallets was handed back.People in the British capital the most honest while those from Birmingham the most dishonest.


Only one in four“lost”wallets were returned to the West Midlands city but with the money removed. All wallets returned in the capital still contained money.


Despite the figures,almost two thirds of more than 2000 people surveyed for the experiment said they would return a found wallet.


Figures show nine million wallets,containing an average of £85 and £7000 in credit,were lost or stolen over the past five years.


Experts said this equated to careless people losing more than £765 million over that time.


They also warned that beyond losing cash,precious personal mementos and the time taken in replacing lost items,people were also exposing themselves to identity fraud.


拓展词汇identity fraud:也写作identity theft ,指“身份偷窃,盗用身份信息”,尤指通过盗取他人的银行账号、驾驶执照号码等个人信息来行骗any crime in which someone steals personal information about and belonging to another person, for example their bank account number or the number of their driving licence, and uses this information to deceive other people and get money or goods 考研 雅思 专八 GRE BEC 托业☞fraud/frɔːd /①诈骗(罪)the crime of getting money by deceiving people【比如】credit card fraud 信用卡诈骗②骗子;骗人的事物;骗局someone or something that deceives people by saying that they are someone or something that they are not【例句】He claimed he was a licensed psychologist, but he turned out to be a fraud.他声称是职业心理学家,结果却是个骗子。【近义辨析】deception, fraud, deceit都有“欺骗”的意思,但有所区别:deception: 语气较弱,一般用词,侧重于具体的骗人行为。但有时并无欺骗行为,只是玩弄把戏,故弄玄虚而已。fraud: 一般用于犯罪行为的欺骗,通常指政治或经济活动中的舞弊行为。deceit: 指歪曲实情,惯于说谎或蓄意欺骗。

Sarah Blaney,a card Fraud expert from CPP,the insurers,which commissioned the research,said the findings underlined the seriousness of the problem.


高考 四级 六级 考研 雅思underline:/ˌʌn.dəˈlaɪn/①在...下面画线(尤指为了强调)to draw a line under a word, especially in order to show its importance【例句】xioayu’s name was underlined in the book.小宇的名字在书里被标了下划线。【近义表达】underscore, mark②强调,突出to emphasize; to show the importance of【例句】The accident underlines our need for better safety procedures.这次事故凸显了我们优化安全措施的必要性。【近义表达】emphasize, accentuate, highlight, stress

"Losing your wallet or having it stolen is a highly stressful experience and causes great inconvenience and worry,”she said


"Card fraud remains a problem in the UK and identity theft is on the rise,so we urge(people)…to take extra care of their belongings.”


拓展词汇on the rise①在权力、地位、影响等方面上升的ascending in power, status, influence, etc【例句】The small company has been on the rise over the last few years. If it continues at this pace, it is poised to become one of the richest companies in the world in five years' time.这家小公司在过去几年中一直在发展。如果继续保持这个速度,它将在五年内成为世界上最富有的公司之一。②更频繁地发生happening more frequently【例句】Infant mortality has been on the rise over the last decade, despite a push to counter it.在过去的十年里,婴儿死亡率一直在上升,尽管政府一直在努力解决这个问题。


原因倒是简单,一名大一新生在教室捡到个iPad pro,根据内语言设置为英文判断失主可能是外国留学生,于是写了中英双语的失物招领,在校内线上线下发布。








他说,自己是一名男生,这是他第一次捡到东西,也认为iPad Pro对学生来说是一笔不小的财产,寻找失主是举手之劳。




其中提到的“猎巫行动”,英语叫witch-hunt ,是对被指控维持危害社会政见者的不公正的“搜捕”,一种对异见群体的“政Zhi迫害”,含有贬义色彩。









Museums ‘best place to lose wallets’

The Telegraph

Researchers found almost half of wallets misplaced at cultural centres were retrieved by their owners.


专八misplace:/ˌmɪsˈpleɪs/随意搁置;乱放而一时记不起,找不到to lose something temporarily by forgetting where you have put it【例句】Oh dear, I seem to have misplaced my keys .哎呀,我好像忘了把钥匙落在什么地方了。【近义辨析】misplace, lose, miss都有“丢失,遗失”的意思,但有所区别:misplace: 指反映东西放错或故意放错地方。lose: 最普通用词,侧重遗失了难以找回来。miss: 着重发觉某人或某物不见的瞬间,也可作思念解。 考研 托福 SAT 专八 GREretrieve /rɪˈtriːv/①找回;收回,取回to find something and bring it back【搭配】retrieve sth from sth【例句】 It took four days to retrieve all the bodies from the crash.花了四天时间才找回所有遇难者的尸体。【近义表达】recover②检索(储存于计算机的信息)to get back information that has been stored in the memory of a computer 【例句】Computers can instantly retrieve millions of information bits.计算机可以立即检索到数百万条信息。③挽回局面retrieve a situation)to make a situation satisfactory again after there has been a serious mistake or problem 【例句】xioayu is the one who could retrieve that situation.小宇是唯一能挽回局面的人。【词源】来自古法语 retreuver, 索回,找到。re-, 再,重新;trouver, 找寻,找到。后有引申词义“检索数据”。

The social experiment, carried out across five British cities, found that a third of wallets dropped in shopping centres were also returned.


拓展学习-英语的分数如何表达?①分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子大于1时,分母要加s【比如】a/one sixth = 1/6;two thirds = 2/3;three fifths = 3/5②分数作主语,谓语动词的单复数由分数后所跟名词的可数性和单复性决定【例句1】Two thirds of the land is covered with water. 三分之二的陆地被水覆盖着。【例句2】One fifth of the apples have gone bad. 五分之一的苹果都坏了。【小宇说】还有几点注意:①1/2 通常读作 a/one half,一般不读作a second。②1/4 可读作 a/one fourth,也可读作 a/one quarter。③分子超过“1”分母之所以用复数可以这样理解:“三分之二”即两个(two)三分之一(third),既然是两个“三分之一”,那“三分之一”当然要用复数,即用thirds。④在数学上,为了简洁起见,分子和分母均可用基数词,其间用介词over:3/4 读作three over four(对于比较复杂的分数通常采用此读法)⑤带分数的读法:在整数与分数之间用and连接:five and two thirds

But not a single wallet dropped in cafés or public transport washanded in.


四级 六级 考研hand in ①上交(作业、拾到的失物等)If you hand in something such as homework or something that you have found, you give it to a teacher, police officer, or other person in authority【例句】Did you hand your homework in on time?你准时交家庭作业了吗?②提出,递交(辞呈) If you hand in your notice or resignation, you tell your employer, in speech or in writing, that you no longer wish to work for them【例句】xioayu has handed in her resignation.小宇已提交辞职信。【近义表达】handover,turn in,present

Researchers dropped 100 wallets at various locations in London,Birmingham,Glasgow,Cardiff and Leeds,with each one containing £10 cash, a photograph, receipts, stamps and contact details for their owners.


拓展词汇contact details:联系方式a telephone number or address where someone can be found if necessary【例句】If you are babysitting, make sure you have a contact number for the parents.如果你临时给人看孩子,一定要有家长的联系电话。【近义表达】contact information,contact number/address

They found one in every five wallets was handed back.People in the British capital the most honest while those from Birmingham the most dishonest.


Only one in four“lost”wallets were returned to the West Midlands city but with the money removed. All wallets returned in the capital still contained money.


Despite the figures,almost two thirds of more than 2000 people surveyed for the experiment said they would return a found wallet.


Figures show nine million wallets,containing an average of £85 and £7000 in credit,were lost or stolen over the past five years.


Experts said this equated to careless people losing more than £765 million over that time.


They also warned that beyond losing cash,precious personal mementos and the time taken in replacing lost items,people were also exposing themselves to identity fraud.


拓展词汇identity fraud:也写作identity theft ,指“身份偷窃,盗用身份信息”,尤指通过盗取他人的银行账号、驾驶执照号码等个人信息来行骗any crime in which someone steals personal information about and belonging to another person, for example their bank account number or the number of their driving licence, and uses this information to deceive other people and get money or goods 考研 雅思 专八 GRE BEC 托业☞fraud/frɔːd /①诈骗(罪)the crime of getting money by deceiving people【比如】credit card fraud 信用卡诈骗②骗子;骗人的事物;骗局someone or something that deceives people by saying that they are someone or something that they are not【例句】He claimed he was a licensed psychologist, but he turned out to be a fraud.他声称是职业心理学家,结果却是个骗子。【近义辨析】deception, fraud, deceit都有“欺骗”的意思,但有所区别:deception: 语气较弱,一般用词,侧重于具体的骗人行为。但有时并无欺骗行为,只是玩弄把戏,故弄玄虚而已。fraud: 一般用于犯罪行为的欺骗,通常指政治或经济活动中的舞弊行为。deceit: 指歪曲实情,惯于说谎或蓄意欺骗。

Sarah Blaney,a card Fraud expert from CPP,the insurers,which commissioned the research,said the findings underlined the seriousness of the problem.


高考 四级 六级 考研 雅思underline:/ˌʌn.dəˈlaɪn/①在...下面画线(尤指为了强调)to draw a line under a word, especially in order to show its importance【例句】xioayu’s name was underlined in the book.小宇的名字在书里被标了下划线。【近义表达】underscore, mark②强调,突出to emphasize; to show the importance of【例句】The accident underlines our need for better safety procedures.这次事故凸显了我们优化安全措施的必要性。【近义表达】emphasize, accentuate, highlight, stress

"Losing your wallet or having it stolen is a highly stressful experience and causes great inconvenience and worry,”she said


"Card fraud remains a problem in the UK and identity theft is on the rise,so we urge(people)…to take extra care of their belongings.”


拓展词汇on the rise①在权力、地位、影响等方面上升的ascending in power, status, influence, etc【例句】The small company has been on the rise over the last few years. If it continues at this pace, it is poised to become one of the richest companies in the world in five years' time.这家小公司在过去几年中一直在发展。如果继续保持这个速度,它将在五年内成为世界上最富有的公司之一。②更频繁地发生happening more frequently【例句】Infant mortality has been on the rise over the last decade, despite a push to counter it.在过去的十年里,婴儿死亡率一直在上升,尽管政府一直在努力解决这个问题。



