

About Relaxation in your life

One of the most valuable skills you can learn is how to relax.

Relaxation activities help to reverse the physical reactions to stress.

Getting involved in an activity can take your mind off your problems.

Try to find new, uplifting activities which are playful and peaceful or return to a hobby which you once enjoyed.

If you are interested in learning something new, think about taking an adult education class. Whether the activity is intellectual or physical, the objective vibe is to have fun.


Another option to consider is volunteer work.

There are many organizations which could benefit from your volunteer efforts. while helping others you help yourselves.

so it often puts problems in perspective when you see others with greater needs. Select an organization which best represents your values and beliefs.

You may also benefit from the associations you will make along the way.


relaxation 放松

valuable 有用的,有价值的

reverse 颠倒,使反转

physical 身体的,物理的

reactions 反应,感应

uplifting 令人振奋的;使人开心的

intellectual 智力的;有才智的;需用智力的;智力发达的

perspective 高瞻远瞩,有远见的


