
本学期即将结束了,现就八年级英语下册的短语作一个全面的总结。为了让学生复习和巩固,我就人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 What's the matter?短语和注释认真总结了一下,,制作出汉语默写版,可以打印供学生复习。需要word版、pdf版请关注和留言。

Unit 1 What’s the matter单元短语和注释

have a fever

have a cough

have a toothache

talk too much

drink enough water

have a cold

have a stomachache

have a sore back

have a sore throat

lie down and rest

hot tea with honey

see a dentist

get an X-ray

take one’s temperature

put some medicine on sth.

feel very hot

sound like

all weekend

in the same way

go to a doctor

go along

on the side of the road

shout for help

without thinking twice

get off

have a heart problem

to one’s surprise

thanks to

in time

save a life

get into trouble

right away

because of

get out of

hurt oneself

put a bandage on sth.

fall down

feel sick

have a nosebleed

cut his knee

put her head back

have problems breathing

mountain climbing

be used to doing sth.

run out (of)

so that

so. . . that

such. . . that

be in control of

in a difficult situation

keep on doing sth.

make a decision

take risks

give up





