







Boris Johnson, Britain’s prime minister, who has contracted covid-19, was admitted to intensive care after a deterioration in his breathing. Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, is to stand in for him chairing cabinet meetings “where necessary”.

这里Stand in for表示 代替,顶替(某人) to take sb's place,如My assistant will stand in for me while I'm away. 我不在期间,由我的助手代替我。

除了stand in for外,还可以用名词Stand-in表示“代替者” a person who does sb's job for a short time when they are not available,例如《卫报》写道:How long can Dominic Raab govern as a stand-in prime minister?


Be a substitute for, cover for, deputize, take the place of


Be a substitute for表示“代替者;代替物;代用品”a person or thing that you use or have instead of the one you normally use or have

例如我们手撕渣男,发出灵魂拷问:你有没有爱过我?你是不是一直把我当作她的影子?这里就可以说you merely see me as a substitute of her;

再比如说“收养家庭”就可以说a substitute family

再比如:有着不是螃蟹,胜似蟹味美称的名吃-“赛螃蟹”,用鸡蛋、醋、酱油、姜末就可以炒出螃蟹的味道,我们就可以称之为a crab substitute,螃蟹的替代品,贫民窟女孩的最爱。

Cover for表示代替,顶替,替补(某人工作或履行职责) to do sb's work or duties while they are away

比如我们说家里有事,需要找人替班,就可以说:if you could cover for me when i am on leave.我休假时你可否替个班呢?

另外cover for还表示“给...上保险” to protect sb against loss, injury, etc. by insurance,例如BBC news一篇描写新规肺炎的报道称:Coronavirus: No insurance cover for most virus-hit businesses遭受疫情打击的企业中大多数没有保险可以承保损失

Cover同样可以做名词,表示(保险公司的)保险,常用cover against,在NAmE中用 coverage,例如accident cover 事故保险 cover against accidental damage 意外损害保险

Deputize[ˈdepjʊtaɪz] (BrE also -ise) 担任代表;充当代理人to do sth that sb in a higher position than you would usually do

Deputize一般指充当代表,代理(职务比自己高的人)的职务,例如:格林女士委任我代表她参会Ms Green has asked me to deputize for her at the meeting.

Take the place of sb / sth等于to replace sb / sth ,表示“代替;替换”,例如:She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took her place/represented her. 她不能参加会议,所以她的助手代她出席。


在Politics this week有这样一个表达:

America braced itself for a surge in deaths related to the new coronavirus.

Brace itself for是什么意思呢?它表示 (为困难或坏事)做准备;防备 to prepare for sth difficult or unpleasant that is going to happen。


在提到新冠肺炎和美国时,总能看到这个表达,例如Daily Mail写道:America should brace itself for 18 MONTHS of shutdowns as US economy faces ‘long, hard road’ to recovery from coronavirus pandemic, 美联储主席呼吁,美国需要应对长达18个月的停业停工。

文中还写道:欧洲重灾区意大利、西班牙新增病例和新增死亡人数呈下降趋势,这里重灾区用的是“worst-affected和worst-hit”,联想我们之前讲过小词hit的用法-重灾区可以说the hardest-hit areas,打包记忆哦,戳回顾hit妙用


再补充一个熟词僻义,提起float,大家都会想到漂浮,浮动,例如Wood floats. 木头能浮起来;这种“漂浮”不光可以指实物(如木筏)的漂浮,还可以指“思想、味道、声音”飘出,例如

The smell of new bread floated up from the kitchen. 厨房里飘出新鲜面包的香味。

Beautiful music came floating out of the window. 美妙的乐声从窗口传出。

An idea suddenly floated into my mind. 我脑海里突然浮现出一个想法。


Politics this week有一句话介绍受疫情影响,美国总统选举方式的变化

Joe Biden floated the idea that voters in America’s presidential election might have to participate by mail only.


这里float表示提出,提请考虑(想法或计划)to suggest an idea or a plan for other people to consider例如路透社一篇关于全球油价剧跌的文章写道:As oil sinks, some companies float idea of 'zero clause' in trades

另外外刊中还常用float的另一个含义,表示 (公司或企业)发行(股票)上市 to sell shares in a company or business to the public for the first time

例如一篇报道写道:there is surely no way a company could float their business on the stock market right now。一家公司绝不可能立刻上市



1.List使上市;把证券列入上市证券表( is listed or lists, on a stock exchange)

例如彭博社称2019年的一篇文章:Chinese Companies Are Rushing to List on Wall Street,这里的list on Wall Street 就是指在华尔街上市;

再比如金融时报评论瑞幸咖啡财务造假的一篇文章写道Luckin Coffee’s implosion has shattered the faith of some international investors when it comes to Chinese companies listed on the world’s biggest stock exchange.瑞幸暴雷粉碎了一些国际投资者的信念-他们开始怀疑在纽约证券交易所上市的中国公司

我们也可以用Have a listing来表示公司上市

2.Go public (of a company 公司)上市;公开出售股份 to start selling shares on the stock exchange

例如:我们形容公司争先发行上市可以说companies seeking to go public in the US







