
报纸精粹 英语谚语凝聚西方各民族文化于一体,是英语语言文化宝库中的精华学生通过学习英语谚语,既能极大地激发学习英语的兴趣,又能有效地帮助他们扩充英语词汇、提高英语写作能力假如在口语交流或作文时,来上一两句,英语的档次可以瞬间升华小编通过查阅历年学英语报,精选谚语与大家一起分享,接下来我们就来聊聊关于英语谚语500句带读?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!





1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do

【释义】 该谚语的字面意思是:你在罗马就按照罗马人的习惯去做事。意在告诫我们要入乡随俗、入国问禁。


(Anna and Bob, from Hong Kong, went to the suburbs of Beijing with their family yesterday afternoon. They are staying in a village. Now they are having breakfast.)

Bob: I don’t like mantou and porridge. I’d like only milk and bread for breakfast.

Anna: Stop it, Bob. When in Rome, do as the Romans do!

2. Two wrongs don’t make a Right

【释义】 以牙还牙行不通,两个错误不等于一个正确,不能因别人错了自己就可以犯错。


Bob: He has hurt my feelings, so I want to do something unpleasant to get back at him.

Anna: That is a bad attitude. You know that two wrongs don’t make a right.

3. No man is an island

【释义】 可直接翻译为“没有人是孤岛”。该句出自英国诗人John Donne 1623年所作的《沉思录》,它所要表达的意思是:人是社会的动物,没有人能脱离社会群体而单独存在。


Anna: I am going to organize the whole event myself.

Bob: That’s very silly. No man is an island. You need help from others if you want to get everything done in time. I suggest you rethink things.

Anna: Hmm, I guess you’re right.

4. Better late than never

【释义】 可直接翻译为“晚做总比不做好”,该谚语与汉语中“亡羊补牢,未为晚矣”所表达的意思一致。


Anna: What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for you for ages!

Bob: Sorry! I missed the bus and had to walk here.

Anna: Oh well, never mind. Better late than never!

5. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

【释义】 该谚语字面意思是“篱笆另一边的草总是看起来更绿”。这也就是我们中国人说的“邻家芳草绿,隔岸风景好”、“这山望着那山高”、“他乡月更圆”。


Anna: Bob, your lawn (草坪) appears greener than mine. You always do a good job!

Bob: Thanks, Anna. Well, you know the age-old saying that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. When you see the grass from far away, you can’t see the dead leaves, the mess, etc.

6. There is no such a thing as free lunch

【释义】 这个俗语的字面意思是:白吃午饭这种事是没有的。其含义当然要超越午饭这个范围,就是说世上没有任何不付出代价就能得到的东西。


Bob: Anna, you did a part-time job as a dishwasher for the first time this summer, didn’t you?

Anna: Right. I worked 5 hours per day and kept working for 4 weeks. As a result, I got 600 yuan. It’s a boring and tiring job, but there is no such a thing as free lunch in the world.

Bob: I think so. The more efforts (努力) we make, the bigger chance we will have to succeed.

7. A good beginning makes a good ending

【释义】 该谚语意在告诫我们“善始者必善其终”。


Bob: This year, I’ve made up my mind to prepare methodically (系统地) for my exams, and to start reviewing the lessons early.

Anna: Sounds great. You know, a good beginning makes a good ending.

8. One finger cannot lift a small stone

【释义】 该谚语的字面意思是:一根手指拿不起一块小石头。引申义为:独木难支,众人拾柴火焰高。


Bob: I’m afraid I can’t get this work well done alone.

Anna: Er, one finger cannot lift a small stone. I think you need more hands to make light work. If a lot of people join in working together for a difficult task, it can be a lot easier.

9. God helps those who help themselves

【释义】 该谚语的字面意思是:上帝会眷顾那些自强之人。意在告诫我们自助者天助,求人不如求己。


Anna: If we are in difficulties, who can we turn to? Nobody, just ourselves.

Bob: Absolutely right. As an old saying goes, God helps those who help themselves. No matter how hard our life might be in coming days, we have to learn how to grow up.

10. It is the early bird that catches the worm

【释义】 该谚语的字面意思是:早起的鸟儿有虫吃。意在告诫我们早行动早成功,捷足先登。


Bob: Hurry up, Anna! I hear that there are not many tickets left for the football match.

Anna: I’m ready now. Let’s go. It is the early bird that catches the worm.


