
二十四节气 · 立秋


立秋Autumn Begins

立秋在每年的8月8日或8月9日,意味着秋天的开始。 It’s on August 8 or 9 every year meaning the beginning of the autumn.




立秋并不代表酷热天气就此结束,初秋期间天气仍然很热,进入秋季后,由夏季的多雨湿热过渡向秋季少雨干燥气候。秋季最明显的变化是草木的叶子从繁茂的绿色到发黄,并开始落叶,庄稼则开始成熟。Autumn Begins does not mean the end of the hot weather, the weather is still very hot during the early autumn, into the autumn, from the summer rainy humid heat to the autumn dry climate the most obvious change in autumn is the vegetation leaves from lush green to yellow, and start to shed leaves, crops began to mature.




秋 老 虎Autumn Tiger


虽然立秋预示着秋天的开始,但是炎热的天气还远没有结束。立秋过后,炎热的天气通常还会再持续30天,这段时间被称之为“秋老虎”,北美人称之为“印第安夏”。这一段时间甚至会比大暑还要热。Although Start of Autumn indicates the beginning of autumn, hot weather will not come to an end. The period of hot days after Start of Autumn, usually lasting for 30 days, is called "Autumn Tiger" or "Indian Summer." Because of decreasing precipitation, it is even more sweltering during this period than during Major Heat.

贴 秋 膘Fleshing out in Autumn


在立秋第一天,人们通常会称自己的体重,和立夏时的体重作比较。如果在夏天体重下降了,那么秋天开始的时候,人们就会吃许多美味的食物来进补,特别是肉食。On the first day of the Start of Autumn, usually people will weigh themselves and compare their weight to what it was at the Start of Summer. If one has lost weight during the summer, then at the beginning of autumn, he or she needs to flesh out by eating many different kinds of delicious food, especially meat.

秋 收Autumn Harvest


对于农民来说,立秋是一个非常重要的节气——收庄稼的时候到了!有句谚语说得好“立秋下雨万物收”,即是说立秋如果下雨就会有好收成。Start of Autumn is a big solar term for farmers. It is time to gather crops. There is a saying: "If it rains on the day of the Start of Autumn, a good harvest is expected."

吃 饺 子Eating dumplings


在山东,人们会在立秋包饺子吃,这被称为“吃秋”。在立秋那天,家里的老人会站在屋子中间,守着一碗麦片粥,祈求秋天丰收。立秋过后,大多数家庭都会在一起吃饺子。In Shandong province, people make dumplings during the Start of Autumn, and they call it "Eating the Autumn". On the day of Start of Autumn, senior members of the family will stand in the middle of the hall, worshiping a bowl of cereal, and praying for the harvest in autumn. Most of the families will eat dumplings together after Start of Autumn day.

摸 秋Touching Autumn


江苏盐城北部地区有一个“摸秋”的习俗。在立秋前一天晚上,人们可以在公共或私人果园里随意摘取各种水果,而无论损失多少主人都不会生气。有些果园主人甚至还会专门为晚上来摸秋的客人准备许多成熟的水果。There is the custom of "Touching Autumn" in the northern part of Yancheng, Jiangsu province. On the eve of Start of Autumn, people can touch and take for free all kinds of fruits as they like in private or public gardens, and the owners will not be angry, no matter how much they lose. Many gardeners even leave some mellow fruits in the field on purpose for the guests during the night.




①秋分到寒露,种麦不延误。The autumn equinox to the cold dew, wheat planting is not delayed.②立秋三天,寸草结籽。In autumn, every inch of grass bears seeds.③麦种深,谷种浅,荞麦芝麻盖半脸。Deep wheat, shallow grain, half face covered with buckwheat and sesame.④立秋胡桃白露梨,寒露柿子红了皮。Starting autumn walnut white pear, cold dew persimmon red skin.⑤立秋荞麦白露花,寒露荞麦收到家。Buckwheat White Dew flower in autumn, cold dew buckwheat receives home.


