

Our moon is on the move.


Each year it drifts an estimated 1.5 inches further away from Earth.

月球每年飘离地球约 1.5 英吋

And in the process, Earth's rotation is actually slowing down.


What if one night the moon simply disappeared?


Would we miss it?


A full moon is on average 14,000 times brighter than the next brightest night sky object, Venus.


Without it, every night would be as dark as a new moon and stargazing would be spectacular.


But by the next morning, you'd begin to realize just how important the moon is for life on Earth.


To start, between the sun, Earth's rotation, and the moon, the moon has the largest influence on Earth's tides.


Without it, high and low tides would shrink by an estimated 75%.


This would jeopardize the lives of many types of crabs, muscles, and sea snails that live in tidal zones and disrupt the diets of larger animals who rely on them for food, threatening entire coastal ecosystems in the process.


And disrupt the diets of larger animals who rely on them for food, threatening entire coastal ecosystems in the process.


Within a few decades, we would start to see mass population declines in the sea and on land.


One of the largest spawning events in the world occurs in the Great Barrier Reef.


Each November in the days following the light of a full moon, coral colonies across the Reef, spanning an area larger than the state of New Mexico, release millions of egg and sperm sacks within nearly minutes of one another.

每年 11 月,满月过后的几天横跨面积超过新墨西哥州的大堡礁珊瑚礁群在几分钟内释放百万个卵子与精子囊。

Scientists are certain that the full moon plays a role in the timing, but exactly how remains a mystery.


On land, animals like these red crabs also use lunar cues to reproduce.


After living most of their lives on the mountains, millions of adult crabs migrate down to shore and then only during the last quarter of the moon, females release their eggs into the sea.


Now, the moon may not hold as much sway over human reproduction, but without it, something we care equally about would change, the weather.


Tides and tidal currents help mix cold, Arctic waters with warmer waters in the tropics.


This balances temperatures and stabilizes the climate worldwide.


Without the moon, weather forecasts would be practically impossible.


The average difference between the hottest and coldest places on Earth could grow to life-threatening extremes, but none of this compares to the biggest change that we would have coming over the next millennium.


Right now, Earth tilts on an axis at 23.5 degrees, mostly due to moon's gravity.

因为月球的引力,地球由轴心倾斜 23.5 度

If the moon disappeared, Earth's axis would wobble between anywhere from 10 to 45 degrees.

若月球消失,地球轴心可能在 10 度到 45 度之间晃动

Some experts estimate that Jupiter could help keep Earth's tilt from reeling completely out of control, but even just an extra 10-degree tilt could wreak havoc on the climate and seasons.

有些专家估计木星的引力可避免地球的倾斜失控但倾斜仅多 10 度就能造成对气候和季节造成重大灾害。

In the past, Earth's tilt has changed by about one to two degrees, which scientists think could have caused Ice Ages in the past.

过去,地球的倾斜曾改变 1 至 2 度,而科学家认为这造成了冰河时期

It's hard to know what a 10 degree or 45 degree tilt would do, but probably nothing good for most life on Earth.

很难想像如果地球倾斜 10 或 45 度会有什么结果,但对大部分地球生物来说,绝不会是什么好事

The moon isn't just imperative for life on Earth today, experts believe that it might have also played a key role in the formation of life more than 3.5 billion years ago.

月亮不只对现今地球生命极度重要专家相信月球在 35 亿年前地球生物形成时,也扮演重要角色。

Turns out, the moon isn't just a beacon of light in the night sky.


Its existence is crucial to the delicate balancing act that makes life here possible.



